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And let me tell you, I am the leech in Montfort, and unless death is near, and the chaplain accompanies me bearing the sacrament, I often go alone with the manservant, the maid, or the pages who carry my medicines. Since I grew up I have attended to our sick, and I cannot tell you how many fractures, wounds, hurts, and fevers I have cured or seen progress to a fatal end.

But the manservant and his wife whom she had installed in the little brick house were well-trained and competent to the last degree, and the menage ran like clock-work without any help from her. She was debarred from riding or driving alone, and the girls at the farm had no time to go with her, and it was still an almost unheard-of thing in that locality for a woman to run a motor.

"It is no flower," said the prince, jocularly, "it is a thistle." Miss Willard raised her eyes a trifle. "In that case," she said, "I had better retire or I shall be devoured" Mrs. Mellon did not wish to offend her new cook. "John," she said to the manservant, "can you find out without asking the cook whether the tinned salmon was all eaten last night?

Your horse falls lame on the morning when you have a long drive before you. Your manservant catches a sore throat, and is unable to go out, just when the visitor comes to whom you wish to show the neighboring country. I felt for the preacher. I was younger then, but I had seen enough to make me think how Mr. He had fallen into error. I formed a resolution never to do the like.

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's. And all the people saw the thunderings, and the lightnings, and the noise of the trumpet, and the mountain smoking: and when the people saw it, they removed, and stood afar off.

In a few seconds the elderly manservant burst into the room in a state of intense excitement. "Quick!" cried Hugh. "Telephone for a doctor at once. I fear your mistress is dying!" Henfrey had placed his hand upon Mademoiselle's heart, but could detect no movement. While the servant dashed to the telephone, he listened for her breathing, but could hear nothing.

And when Diana had entered the car, he waved aside the manservant and himself tucked the big fur rug carefully round her. There was something rather pathetic, almost maternal, in the old man's care of her, and Diana's lips quivered. "Thank you, dear Maestro," she said, gently pressing his arm with her hand.

There can be no question that Stapleton had a confidant, though it is unlikely that he ever placed himself in his power by sharing all his plans with him. There was an old manservant at Merripit House, whose name was Anthony.

Doe was out in the world with Freedham, probably without an "exeat," and certainly without a hat. I began to wonder whether by a dramatic dénouement I was to be the cause of Doe's capture. "You rang, sir?" inquired the manservant. "Yes; find Master Doe. He's in the house." "Yes, sir." The door closed, and it was too late. Too late for what?

Mid-way he paused and stroked his beard again, and looked grimly up at where the maid and the manservant were blue-black against the evening sky. He shrugged his shoulders, "Women," said he, "they make trouble. I wish I wish " He had no word to finish the sentence with, he but sighed and proceeded on his way.