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After her refusal he went to spend the night at one of his father's dairy farms, a few miles down the river. Whilst supper was being prepared, word came that Hardress's boat was being swamped, with every soul aboard. The collegian, however, brought the boat safely to the shore, and procured a room for his wife in the dairy-woman's cottage, passing her off as a relative of Danny Mann's.

"Norris has approached me several times on the subject of joining him in some of his frolics," went on Frank, "but I have never gone out with him." "Does he get a very large salary?" "No more than I ten dollars a week." "I should think it would take every cent he had after his board was paid to dress him. His clothing is more fashionable than Mr. Mann's."

I gave her a cup of hot tea and something to eat. Shortly after the McLean's and Mann's came in. It was a great relief to see white people again. It was not long before they moved camp about two miles from Frog Lake. Mrs. Delaney and I, walking with Mrs. Pritchard and family, through mud and water: my shoes were very thin, and my feet very wet and sore from walking.

"He is more the size of a cherub one of those you see pictured leaning their elbows on clouds." But, of course, neither of the girls made this comment within Mr. Mann's hearing. The final decisions regarding the choice of parts were now made. The copies of the play were distributed. Mr.

My father was the most amiable of men, yet even he did not escape. As an Antioch trustee he was in charge of funds which were not to be applied unless certain conditions were satisfied. Horace Mann demanded the money, and it was withheld on occasions and a deluge of ire was poured upon my poor father's head. It did not cause him to falter in his conviction of Horace Mann's greatness and goodness.

Rayner Mann's concert was well attended, and Alma's violin solo, though an audience more critical than she had yet faced made her very nervous to begin with, received much applause. Felix Dymes, not being able to get a seat at her side, stood behind her, and whispered his admiration. 'You've gone ahead tremendously. That isn't amateur playing.

This fact might be made strikingly significant by placing it side by side with Horace Mann's words: "In regard to children, all precept and example, all kindness and harshness, all rebuke and commendation, all forms, indeed, of direct or indirect education, affect mental growth, just as dew and sun and shower, or untimely frost, affect vegetable growth.

Mann's request, was at great pains to make drawings for the face of the statue which now confronts from the slopes of Beacon Hill the culture and intelligence of Boston, which Horace Mann did so much to promote. But he was not a subject which accommodated itself readily to the requirements of plastic art.

She had told Saul Arthur Mann this, in accordance with her promise to keep him informed as to her movements, and she was, therefore, surprised when, half an hour later, the little investigator presented himself. She met him in the presence of her fiancé, and it was clear to Jasper what Saul Arthur Mann's intentions were.

All I know is that he took a tremendous interest in her and tried to find her, and, so far as I remember, he never succeeded." Mr. Mann's car was at the door, and in a few minutes they were deposited before the prim exterior of Number 69. The door was opened by a girl servant, who stared from Saul Arthur Mann to his companion. "There is a lady living here," said Mr. Mann.