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"Then her absence was unusual," said the chief smiling. "Now, was there anything else that was unusual, last night in connection with it?" The manageress started and looked at her visitor as if she half suspected him of possessing the power of seeing through brick walls.

You will wear yourself out trapesing about after a 'shop, and by and by you will starve and rot and die." Mavis trembled with anger. The man went on talking. His words were no longer coherent, but the phrases "make you manageress" "four pounds a week" "share the expenses of a little flat together," fell on her ear. "Say no more," Mavis was able to cry at last.

Signor Fogazzaro, bringing tragedy into the homes of dialect, does but show us how the language staggers under such a stress, how it breaks down, and resigns that office. One of the finest of the characters in the ranks of his admirable fiction is that old manageress of the narrow things of the house whose daughter is dying insane. I have called the dialect a shelter.

She had grown unused to the long hours, she did not want to be at the beck and call of a manageress, and her dignity revolted at the thought of wearing once more a uniform. She had made out to such of the neighbours as she knew that they were comfortably off: it would be a come-down if they heard that she had to go out and work. Her natural indolence asserted itself.

Her costume was workmanlike and that of an hotel manageress in the morning; yet distinctly set off her figure and suited her character of an able-bodied, intellectual woman. "Vivie!" "Michael!" "My dear! You're handsomer than ever!" "Michael! Your khaki uniform becomes you; and I'm so glad you've got rid of that beard. Now we can see your well-shaped chin.

Then I saw the sign, 'Home for Girls. 'Wonder if it is a charity? thinks I; but no, it didn't look like that, so in I went as bold as brass, and inquired for the manageress. 'Is it the matron you mean, miss? 'Very well, the matron then, said I, and presently she came up no, not smiling, for she wasn't an amiable-looking Christian, but I thought she would smother me with mysterious questions.

She worked night and day as general manageress of the establishment. There ought to be some special honour and knighthood for such women on this earth, and a special heaven in the next. The Subaltern used to feel positively ashamed of himself when he thought of the money, kindness and care that she was lavishing upon them. The whole Hospital was a glorious, pulsating, human organisation.

"You could retain your hold on it. We'd make you manageress, with a salary and a share in the profits. You'd be mistress just as much as you are now." "Oh!" said she carelessly. "IF I GAVE IT UP, I SHOULD GIVE IT UP ENTIRELY. No half measures for me." With the utterance of that sentence, the history of Frensham's as a private understanding was brought to a close. Sophia knew it. Mr.

A moment's interview with the manageress gave him the right to mount the stairs, and, when he tapped at the door of the room in which the invalids reposed, a voice he had not expected to hear bade him come in. There was Miss Hampton, of whom he had been thinking a good deal too much of late, sitting with the child upon her knees, and holding a grape above his lips.

On the first yearly anniversary of the great strike at Excelsior there were some changes in the settlement, notably the promotion of Mr. Marsh to a more important position in the company, and the installation of Miss Cassie Marsh as manageress of the hotel.