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"I suppose you have nothing of Miss Slade's?" he said. "Nothing confined to your care, eh?" The manageress glanced at her husband, with whom she had kept up a whispered conversation. The manager nodded. "Better tell them," he said. "No good keeping anything back." "Ah!" said the chief. "You have something?"

But your father's horror, when you spoke of the newspaper review of the play, and the shame and fear you showed at your own boldness, daunted me once more. "The arrival at the theater of my written excuse brought the manageress down upon me, in a state of distraction. Nobody could supply my place; all the seats were taken; and the Prince was expected.

I never heard such cheek " Vivien: "Not at all. You forget I am Manageress." (To Waiter) "Entrez done! Dîtes au Général que je serai

She and Hugh slept in the kitchen, for all the other rooms were stockrooms or workrooms; and the name by which the concern was called was "The French Model Blouse Co. Manageress Mme. Zetta, the notorious French Modiste." Howsoever bitterly people were pressed, Hugh did not cease to prosper. In riches, honor, and respect he passed many of the London Welsh.

Mere-Grand, fortunately, was still there, erect and courageous; the household retained its queen, and in her the children found a manageress and teacher, schooled in adversity and heroism. Two years passed; and then came an addition to the family. A young woman, Marie Couturier, the daughter of one of Guillaume's friends, suddenly entered it.

Selwood repaired to the polite manager again next day and found no difficulty in getting whatever information the hotel staff represented by a manageress, a general man-servant, and a maid or two could give. It was meagre, and not too exact in particulars. Mr. Dimambro, who had never been there before, had stopped two days. He had occupied Room 5 the gentleman could see it if he wished. Mr.

In that case, Miss Stoper, I had best inspect a few more of your young ladies. "The manageress had sat all this while busy with her papers without a word to either of us, but she glanced at me now with so much annoyance upon her face that I could not help suspecting that she had lost a handsome commission through my refusal. "'Do you desire your name to be kept upon the books? she asked.

I heard no more until he had finished breakfast, and then, while drawing on his gloves for his morning walk, he said to the waiter, who was clearing the table, "Tell your Manageress I am much obliged to her for the charming flowers with which she has decorated my room this morning." "But it wasn't the manageress, my lord," said the waiter. "Then who was it?"

'Closed! cried Miss Snevellicci, trembling so much in her tights that she actually laid her hand upon the shoulder of the manageress for support. 'Why he don't mean to say he's going! exclaimed Mrs Grudden, making her way towards Mrs Crummles. 'Hoity toity! Nonsense.

And then their soup and bread came sliding on its little rail down the long table towards them and stopped with a jerk, and he forgot the matter. For they had had no proper meal for three days. After they had dined they rested for a time. Neither talked there was nothing to say; and presently they got up and went back to the manageress to learn what they had to do.