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A knife, wrenched from the breed's grasp, went whirling over the side into the sea. Cherry Malotte ran forward, and at her voice the savage ceased his struggles. Wayne Wayland loosed his daughter's hold and thrust his way in among the sailors, kneeling beside the man he had chosen for his son-in-law. Emerson joined him, then rose quickly, crying: "Is there a doctor among your party?"

Over the side had come Cherry Malotte, accompanied by an Indian girl in shawl and moccasins a slim, shrinking creature who stood as if bewildered, twisting her hands and staring about with frightened eyes. Behind them, head and shoulders above the sailors, towered a giant copper- hued breed with a child in his arms.

She seated herself at the piano and struck a few idle notes, inquiring, casually: "Kalvik is the name of the place where you are going, isn't it?" "It is." "I suppose you will see a great deal of this Cherry Malotte?" "Undoubtedly, inasmuch as we are partners." "Partners!" Mildred ceased playing and swung about. "What do you mean?" "She is interested in this enterprise; the cannery site is hers."

A change had coarsened her like a puff of air on a still pool. Then, while she stared at him, her lids drooped dangerously and her lip curled. "Throw him out, Bronco," she said, and her tones held the hardness of a mistress to her slave. "That's all right," the Kid reassured the lookout. "She's a better dealer than I am. This is Cherry Malotte."

Cherry Malotte withdrew her proffered hand and her face grew hard and hateful. "Oh! So you are Miss Chester and I saved you!" She laughed harshly. Helen strove for calmness. "I'm sorry you feel that way," she said, coolly. "I appreciate your service to me." She moved towards the door. "Wait a moment. I want to talk to you."

It all seemed like a nightmare, those tense moments when he lay above the receiver's office and felt his belief in the one woman slipping away, the frenzied thirst which Cherry Malotte had checked, the senseless, unreasoning lust for play that possessed him later. This lapse was the last stand of his old, untamed instincts. The embers of revolt in him were dead.

Anyhow, she would not let me grow disheartened if she were here, she wouldn't let me quit. She isn't that sort." Cherry Malotte stirred and shifted her gaze uncertainly to the gleaming bay. Abreast of them the fleet of fishing-boats were drifting with the tide; in the distance others were dotted, clear away to where the opal ocean lay.

Fraser whittled himself a toothpick as he went on: "A feller in my line of business don't gather much useful information, but he certainly gets Jerry to the female question in all its dips, angles, and spurs. Cherry Malotte is the squarest girl I ever saw, and while she may have been crowded at the turn, she'll finish true.

As she took down her heavy braids, the story of Cherry Malotte returned to her tormentingly. So Glenister had saved HER life also at risk of his own. What a very gallant cavalier he was, to be sure! He should bear a coat of arms a dragon, an armed knight, and a fainting maiden. "I succor ladies in distress handsome ones," should be the motto on his shield.

Never before had Boyd known the least constraint in Mildred's presence, but now he felt the rebuke behind her careless manner, and it wounded him deeply. He did not speak, and after a moment she went on, with an abrupt change of subject: "So that funny little house over there against the hill is where the mysterious woman lives?" "Who?" "Cherry Malotte." "Yes. How did you learn that?" "Mr.