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Champian." He shrugged his shoulders the slightest bit, but it was eloquent, and she noted it. "Oh, I don't mean that he did it intentionally he's too decent a chap for that but anybody's tongue will wag to a beautiful girl! My lady Malotte is a jealous trick." "Malotte! Who is she?" Helen questioned, curiously. He seemed surprised. "I thought every one knew who she is.

There was a disturbing undercurrent of alarm and unrest that caused her to feel insecure, as though standing on hollow ground. "Yes, this whole disturbance is caused by those two. Only for them we'd be all right." "Who is Miss Malotte?" He answered, promptly: "The handsomest woman in the North, and the most dangerous." "In what way? Who is she?"

"Of course, the bank could not do such a thing. My operations have turned out so well that I keep several men just to follow new strikes." "Has Miss Malotte made a strike?" "Not exactly, but she has uncovered some promising copper prospects." "H'm! That is news to me. It is rather a small country, after all, isn't it?"

Cherry Malotte had closed her check-rack violently, at the same instant crying shrill and clear: "That bet is off! The cases are wrong!" Glenister half rose, overturning his chair; the Kid lunged forward across the table, and his wonderful hands, tense and talon-like, thrust themselves forward as though reaching for the riches she had snatched away.

I played the game according to your rules, but they forced me back to first principles in spite of myself, and now I don't know what the finish will be. To-morrow will tell. Take care of your uncle, and if you should wish to communicate with me, go to Cherry Malotte. She is a friend to both of us. "Always your servant, ROY GLENISTER."

By the time they had resumed their duties, however, the curtains of composure had closed upon the Kid, masking his emotion again; but from her brief glimpse Cherry Malotte knew that this man was not of ice, as some supposed. He turned to her and said, "Do you mean what you said up-stairs?" "I don't understand." "You said you could kill Glenister." "I could." "Don't you love "