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"But as I was saying, we were ordered to Loughrea after being fifteen months in detachments about Birr, Tullamore, Kilbeggan, and all that country; the change was indeed a delightful one, and we soon found ourselves the centre of the most marked and determined civilities.

The town of Loughrea is an ancient holding of the De Burghs, and the estate-office of Lord Clanricarde is here in one wing of a great barrack, standing, as I understood Mr. Tener to say, on the site of a former fortress of the family. Lord Clanricarde's property here is put down by Mr.

Woodford, previously a dull and law-abiding spot, was illuminated by a lurid light of modern progress about three years ago, upon the transfer thither in the summer of 1885 of a priest from Loughrea, familiarly known as "the firebrand priest." In November of that year, as I have already related, Mr. Egan and other tenants of Mrs.

'Nothing easier than that, sir, said the host, who gladly embraced a project that should detain his guests at the inn. 'My lord went through the town this morning on his way to Loughrea fair; but the young ladies is at home; and you've only to send over a message, and say you'd like to see the place, and they'll be proud to show it to you.

Somewhat ponderous he is, poor soul! but there are excellent things about him. Walter's account of his various quarters per last despatch. Query if original: "Loughrea is a blackguard place To Gort I give my curse; Athlone itself is bad enough, But Ballinrobe is worse. I cannot tell which is the worst, They're all so very bad; But of all towns I ever saw, Bad luck to Kinnegad." Old Mr.

Blunt and other sympathising statesmen very handsomely on their visit to Loughrea and Woodford, "Dr." Tully being one of the guests invited to meet them. Not far from this presbytery, Mr. Tener showed me the scene of one of the most cowardly murders which have disgraced this region.

The Assembly, which met at Jamestown in August, and again at Loughrea in November, 1650, made the retirement of Ormond from the Government a condition of all future efforts in the royal cause, and that nobleman, deeply wounded by this condition, had finally sailed from Galway, in December, leaving to Clanrickarde the title of Lord Deputy, and to Castlehaven the command of the forces which still kept the field.

At Loughrea we went away in our own directions, and poor Tom with Barney Smith rode home to Ahaseragh. But not a word did he speak to anyone, even to Barney; nor did Barney dare to speak a word to him. He trotted all the way to Ahaseragh in moody silence, thinking of the terrible ill that had been done him. I have known Tom for twenty years, and I think that if he loves any man he loves me.

If he doesn't know it now, he'd know it the day after he landed. He paused an instant, and then said: 'There will be the devil to pay with old Peter Gill, for he'll want all the cash I can scrape together for Loughrea fair. He counts on having eighty sheep down there at the long crofts, and a cow or two besides. That's money's worth, girl!

"Well, it does seem foolish, now that it is all over; but I have seen the 'Packet Light' myself too often not to believe in it, and so I was as simply frightened at the captain's lantern as the people of Loughrea were at Matthew Collins's ghost." La Salle noted the look of annoyance which clouded the usually placid brow of their host, and hastened to allay the threatened storm.