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His most interesting phase is not that which he might assume under the lime-light of satirical or literary comparisons. The characteristic is after all the inessential. It marks a peripheral variation in the honest and sturdy lump. To catch only the heartless shimmer of individuality is to paint a costume without the body that supports it.

"You think he did it to attract attention?" "Not so much that, perhaps, as to get back into the lime-light. You see, he was rather out of it for as much as half an hour, and he simply couldn't stand it. So he went off and staged a little sideshow of his own." She walked on in silence for a few moments, torn by doubts and misgivings. Landover's sarcastic analysis was like a douche of cold water.

Hunston is just a dingy little microcosm of the whole United States of America. You can't blame these poor beggars here much, afraid of their jobs as they are. It takes courage to make a break for virtue when the devil's holding you by your bread and meat. But well, I'd hate like the mischief to lose, particularly since we've managed to come in for such a beautiful lot of lime-light.

"Well, the scout-master ought to know," argued Jimmie; "he said it was the best 'one good turn' of the day!" Modestly Sam shifted the lime-light so that it fell upon his bunkie. "I'll bet," he declared loyally, "your 'one good turn' was a better one!" Jimmie yawned, and then laughed scornfully. "Me!" he scoffed. "I didn't do nothing. I sent my sister to the movies."

Everything was arranged the beautiful ballroom interior the men who were to set the stage had their orders, also the lime-light operators. Andrew nodded, already having given explicit instructions. The singer vanished from the quivering streak of stage, in order to give her finale close to the footlights. She ceased. Rapturous applause.

Here we have the hydrogen and the oxygen, which will give the most intense heat that can be obtained by chemical action; and if I put a piece of lime into the flame, we get what is called the lime-light.

"To be always thinking it's themselves as is grouped in the lime-light of another's thoughts!" "You can get away from people, but you can't get away from moths." It was Martha herself, carrying a great paper bag of camphor-balls and a great roll of tarred paper, who announced this truth. Rain was falling in torrents. Even the Poor Boy did not feel like going out.

Catching something of the spirit of its imperious leader, its campaign was recklessly aggressive. The scabbard was thrown away, and all the lines of retreat cut off from the beginning. No act of the party in power escaped the lime-light; no delinquency, real or imaginary, of Jackson its candidate for re-election but was ruthlessly drawn into the open day.

There were no women in the visitor's party, but there was no lack of partners for the handsome, charming officers. That few of them spoke English and none of us understood Italian made no difference. Smiles and flirtatious glances speak a universal language, and many a wife kept her wedding-ring out of the lime-light.

I have an individuality, aggressive, restless and, like all such individualities, necessarily in the lime-light; I have from the beginning lost no opportunity to impress that individuality upon my time. Let those who have nothing to advertise, and those less courageous and less successful than I at advertisement, jeer and spit. I ignore them. I make no apologies for egotism.