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"More suggestive to me of lost time and lee-way." The son laughed lightly, a pleasant, kindly, soft laugh, in keeping with the scene and hour. "Why, father," he resumed after a brief pause, "you are so sternly practical that you drive all the sentiment out of a fellow. I had almost risen to the regions of poetry just now, under the pleasant influences of nature."

"I've been thinking that for some time, Barney," replied Martin; "but you have your compass, and we can surely make the coast by dead reckoning eh?" "True, lad, we can; but it'll cost us a dale o' tackin' to make up for lee-way. Ah, good luck to ye! here's a friend'll help us."

It would appear that they had then no other method of computing the longitude but by means of the log, or dead reckoning, which is liable to perpetual uncertainty from currents and lee-way, and which a storm, even of short continuance, must have thrown into total confusion. Their instruments and methods for determining even the latitudes, appear to have then been imperfect and little understood.

Jock had lazed about the Station since noon. The wedding preparations bored him, and the train's delay angered him. "See here!" he exploded to Tom Smith, the agent, "ain't it stretching a point too far when that gol-durned train gives herself four hours' lee-way?"

We were all up at four, but the weather entirely forbade work for to-day; so some went to bed, and most lay down, making up our lee-way, as we nautically term our loss of sleep. I must say Liddell is a fine fellow, and keeps his patience and his temper wonderfully; and yet how he does fret and fume about trifles at home!

And so they voyaged to Albion and to several ports in Gaul; and there was no lee-way in their love, but still the tics were getting tauter, evidencing strong probabilities of a life cruise together.

That fall from the Jaffrail was a sad drawback for me, and I never recovered the lee-way it brought about. I was more than two months ashore, behaving myself rationally on account of my arm. At the end of that time, I went on board the Sally, a ship also bound to Greenock, as her second-mate. This vessel belonged to Charleston, and it was intended she should return to her own port.

As for your 'osts and breeches, and hurling aloft, d'ye see your caves and caverns, whistling tuods and serpents, burning brimstone and foaming billows, we must take our hap I value 'em not a rotten ratline; but as for sailing in the wind's eye, brother, you must give me leave no offence, I hope I pretend to be a thoroughbred seaman, d'ye see and I'll be d ned if you, or e'er an arrant that broke biscuit, ever sailed in a three-mast vessel within five points of the wind, allowing for variation and lee-way.

The Misses Kerr also dined and spent the evening with us in that sort of society which I like best. Charles Sharpe came in and we laughed over oysters and sherry, "And a fig for your Sultan and Sophi." December 2. Laboured to make lee-way, and finished nearly seven pages to eke on to the end of the missing sheets when returned.

Sometimes it is impossible for a vessel from afar to fetch up with the group itself, unless large allowances for prospective lee-way have been made ere its coming in sight. And yet, at other times, there is a mysterious indraft, which irresistibly draws a passing vessel among the isles, though not bound to them.