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"I suppose if I were ladylike and proper, I should protest that I like you immensely; that there is no one in the world, my mother excepted, whom I like better. But I never was particularly proper or polite, Captain Winstanley, and I must confess there are very few people I do like, and " "And I am not one of them," said the Captain. "You have finished the sentence for me."

She is one of the most ladylike and trustworthy servants I ever knew. She is a first rate parlour servant; can arrange and set out a dinner or party supper with as much taste as the most of white ladies. She is a pretty good mantua maker; can cut out and make vests and pantaloons and roundabouts and joseys for little boys in a first rate manner.

It isn't ladylike, and it will do the cause more harm than good. You women lay yourselves open to ridicule." "That's just it-that's a fine beginning. As soon as men get tired laughing at us, they will do something more about it. They won't find our campaign so amusing before long." "But I protest. You've no right to go without considering me."

Asquith through a skylight and throwing slates at the polis that came to fetch her. Aw, verra nice, verra ladylike, I'm sure." "Well, why shouldn't she? Yon miserable Asquith " "Asquith's not miserable. He's a good man. He's an Englishman, but he sits for Fife." "Anyway, it was Charlotte Marsh that did it. And if she's not a lady, who is?

"They will not be deficient in wit and naivete; there is so much sparkle, and so little art in her soul?" "She writes comprehensively enough when she writes to M. de Bassompierre: he who runs may read." "And her handwriting? It must be pretty, light, ladylike, I should think?" It was, and I said so. "I verily believe that all she does is well done," said Dr.

Mrs. Whitney gave Vagen a look of sweet resignation and Vagen responded with an expression which said: "I understand. He is very ill. He is not responsible. I admire your ladylike patience." As Whitney's eyes were closed he missed this byplay. "Here, Vagen before you go," he drawled, waving a weary hand toward the table at his elbow. "Here's a check for ten thousand.

"I'm Anne of Green Gables," said the small visitor tremulously, clasping her hands with her characteristic gesture, "and I've come to confess, if you please." "Confess what?" "That it was all my fault about jumping into bed on you last night. I suggested it. Diana would never have thought of such a thing, I am sure. Diana is a very ladylike girl, Miss Barry.

Her principal gesture was a pontifical but thoroughly ladylike blessing with two stubby fingers. She explained about this matter of Spiritual Saturation: "There are those " Of "those" she made a linked sweetness long drawn out; a far-off delicate call in a twilight minor. It chastely rebuked the restless husbands, yet brought them a message of healing.

How very neat and ladylike you are becoming, Linda! You are a great comfort to me, dear." "Thank you, mother; I try to please you," said Linda. She seated herself on her mother's bed, suppressed a sigh, then said eagerly: "Nora is awfully put out. Is there bad news from that wild place, Castle O'Shanaghgan?" "Bad news?" cried Mrs. Hartrick. "Has the child had letters?"

Begging your pardon, sir, a young lady, and " "Jason" Jimmie Dale flung out the interruption, sudden, quick, imperative "what did she look like?" "Why why, I don't exactly know as I could describe her, sir," stammered Jason, taken aback. "Very ladylike, sir, in her dress and appearance, and what I would call, sir, a beautiful face." "Hair and eyes what color?" demanded Jimmie Dale crisply.