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God executed him in degrading him. Napoleon III. as an Emperor had a right to thunder, but for this man the thunder was ignominious he was thunderstruck in the back. "L'Année Terrible." Let us forget this man, and let us look at Humanity. The invasion of France by Germany, in 1870, was a night effect. The world was astonished that so much gloom could come forth from a people.

Rev., May, 1898, p. 307; J. Royce, ibid., March, 1898; Baldwin, Social and Ethical Interpretations, etc. Joly, Psychologie des grands hommes. Osborn, From the Greeks to Darwin. Such, according to Binet and Passy, seem to be the cases of the Goncourts, Pailleron, etc. See "Psychologie des auteurs dramatiques," in L'année psychologique, I, 96.

En France, ce renouvellement de l'annee nous donne un President renomme mais non rajeuni, un Ministere reconstitue mais non raffermi ... En Angleterre, Gladstone et les Irlandais vous auront pour une fois rendu service s'ils forcent a s'unir les conservateurs, aujourd'hui separes par d'anciennes divisions en whigs et en tories.

In his poetry Victor Hugo had already shown his passing sensibility to the pathos of the beginnings of our life; witness such pieces as Chose vue un Jour de Printemps, Les Pauvres Gens, the well-known pieces in L'Année Terrible, and a hundred other lively touches and fragments of finished loveliness and penetrating sympathy.

In describing the effects of the conscription, one of the members of the Senate made use of the following expression: "On moissonne les homines trois fois l'anneé." With such supplies, what single power could resist him? War with him became a mere mechanical calculation.

I have an important piece of work that I must finish, and which I shall finish in spite of everything. If I have not already done the article on Bouilhet, rest assured it is because it is IMPOSSIBLE. I shall do it at the same time as that on l'Annee terrible. I shall go to Paris between the 20th and 25th of May, at the latest.

Recueil de ce qui s'est passe en Canada au Sujet de la Guerre, etc., depuis l'annee 1682. There appears no doubt that La Barre brought this upon himself. His successor, Denonville, writes that the Iroquois declared that, in plundering the canoes, they thought they were executing the orders they had received to plunder La Salle's people.

It was said that, in presence of several witnesses, they had undertaken to cast out devils; and they had been apprehended on an accusation of this nature. II., jusqu' a l'annee 1621." This is a contemporary manuscript belonging to the Gerard collection in the Royal Library at the Hague. Its author was a citizen of Valenciennes, and a personal witness of most of the events which he describes.

Le Grand Voyage du Pays Des Hurons, pan Gabriel Sigud Theodat Puis 1632, Nouvelle Edition, Paris, 1835, p. 85, Relations de Jesuites, Relation de la Nouvelle France en l'Annee 1639, pp. 95-96, Lafitau, Vol. The women often played the game by themselves, though apparently with less formality than characterized the great matches.

'But have you no partridges? 'Des perdreaux! mais oui! je le crois bien! Nous en avions quatre, mais, le mois passé, M. le Marquis en a tué un et sérieusement blessé un second. La pauvre bête n'est pas encore guérie. Cela ne nous laisse que deux. Nous les chasserons sans doute si monsieur le veut; mais que feronsnous l'année prochaine?