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Lofting means shooting through the air, so that your taw does not touch the earth till it hits the object aimed at or a point near it. Knuckling Down means resting the knuckles on the ground while shooting. Histing or Hoisting is holding some distance above the ground. It is not permitted in Bull Ring or in Meg-on-a-string. Roundsters means taking a new position to avoid an obstruction.

You being so prominent now and settled down and having money in the bank, them kind of names, if you wrote mushy like that, will certainly tickle folks something tremendous." A student in physiognomy might have read that memory was playing havoc with Buck's resolution. Avery was knitting his brows in deep reflection, knuckling his forehead.

When, therefore, at ten o'clock in the morning his slumbers were cut short by a sharp rapping at the front door, his first impression was that he had been dreaming. When, after a brief interval, the noise was resumed, he rose in his might and, knuckling the sleep from his eyes, went down, tight-lipped, to interview this person.

This Godby did forthwith, and presently the three fellows appeared who, knuckling their foreheads, made us their several reverences. "What now, lads?" says Adam, viewing them with his keen eyes, "I seem to mind your looks, you sailed with Black Bartlemy aboard the 'Delight' I think? Nay, 'tis no matter, we'll let bygones be bygones, and we be all marvellous honest these days, the which is well.

She retired to the cabin as a dark figure, which was manfully knuckling the last remnant of sleep from its eyelids, stood before the mate, chuckling softly. "Clear night," said the seaman, as he took the wheel in his great paws. "Beastly," said the mate absently, and, stifling a sigh, went below and turned in.

The conductor of the trolley-car, which they hailed at the street corner, stopped it and got off the platform, and stood in the street until they were safely aboard, without telling them to step lively, or pulling them up the steps; or knuckling them in the back to make them move forward.

'Beg your pardon, governor! By your leave! said Riderhood, knuckling his forehead, with a chuckle and a leer. 'What place may this be? 'This is a school. 'Where young folks learns wot's right? said Riderhood, gravely nodding. 'Beg your pardon, governor! By your leave! But who teaches this school? 'I do. 'You're the master, are you, learned governor? 'Yes. I am the master.

But round in the background there were a number of poor things, sadly broken down with hard work, with their knees knuckling over and their hind legs swinging out at every step, and there were some very dejected-looking old horses, with the under lip hanging down and the ears lying back heavily, as if there were no more pleasure in life, and no more hope; there were some so thin you might see all their ribs, and some with old sores on their backs and hips.

"By your pardon, capt'n," here interrupted Jackson, knuckling his forehead, "but that may be a question not hard to settle if ye'll send me aboard with a few tools." The captain looked as if he had had a mind to entertain the idea, then sent a glance to windward. "She'll be full of water," said I. "Ay," said the captain, turning to Jackson, "how then?"

"But I've promised for you!" expostulated his wife. "And he admires you so." "Bosh! You women can gad about as much as you please, but I'm in wrong when it comes to eating sponge-cake and knuckling my knees under a dinky willow table. And then he always has some frump...." "Frump!" repeated Nora, delighted. "Frump inspecting me through a pair of eye-glasses as if I was a new kind of an animal.