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One strong element in it, however, was curiosity. Another was ambition. The blending of these two qualities produced wonder in Junkie wonder that he, though as ardent a sportsman as MacRummle, should go forth frequently to fish and catch little or nothing, while the old gentleman went out and was wont to return with baskets full to overflowing. There must be a secret of some sort.

I think it is you, though at such a distance I might easily mistake a sheep or a deer for you and, after all, that would be no mistake, for you are a dear!" He did not condescend to smile at his own mild little joke, as he applied the telescope to his eyes. "Yes, I'm right and very comfortable you seem too, though I can't make out your party. Both Aggy and Junkie seem to have left you.

With this explanation Junkie was fain to rest content at the time, for the party had reached a part of the hill where it became necessary to station the guns at their several posts. In regard to this drive, we have only to say that it ended in nothing except heavy rain and a severe draft on the patience of the sportsmen, without any reward, save that which may be derived from mild martyrdom.

And great was the laughter afterwards, at lunch time on the field of battle, when Junkie gravely related that Barret was upon a precipice, trying to reach a rare plant, when the deer passed, so that he did not get a shot at all!

It ran in a winding course through a level plain which extended to the base of the encircling hills. The pool next the sea being unfishable, as we have said, owing to the state of the tide, Junkie conducted his companions high up the stream by a footpath.

Immediately after Archie and Eddie were swept in amid the foam, and Junkie himself who, like his brothers, could swim like a cork came careering in on the top of a wave, like a very water-imp! With all the energy of his nature he turned, the moment his feet touched ground, to lend a hand to his friend Tonal', who was not far behind him.

Among other things, he not only began an intelligent inquiry about the locks of a rifle, but a practical inquiry with his fingers, which called for remonstrance. "Do you know, Junkie, that this is the very spot where your Cousin Milly fell?" said Barret, by way of directing the urchin's thoughts into a safer channel. "Is it? Oh, dear, what a thump she must have come down!"

"Fire away then with your orders," cried the impatient amateur. "See, sir, I will sit thus as if painting," said Milly, who was desperately anxious to have it over, lest Archie should make some awkward proposition. "Mr Barret will stand behind me, looking earnestly at the picture " "Admiringly," interposed Barret. "More likely to make a mess of it," said Junkie. "Now, are you ready? Steady!

"A two-pounder!" gasped Donald, unable to restrain his excitable spirit, as he half rose. Junkie had him by the throat in a moment, and crammed his ragged head down among the heather. "Tonal'!" he whispered remonstratively. "I forgot," whispered Donald, when the strong little hands relaxed. "I'll not do't again."

"But what's come of MacRummle?" said the panting Junkie as they gathered up the fish and replaced them in the basket. "I never saw him get over the wall. Did you?" "No," replied Archie, looking round in surprise. "I dare say he ran off while we were thumpin' the bull," suggested Eddie. "I'm here, boys! I'm here, Junkie," cried a strange sepulchral voice, as if from the bowels of the earth.