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Now and then a covey of flying-fish might be seen skimming over the ocean, but they came out of the water to avoid the jaws of their persevering foes, the dolphins or bonitos, not because they liked it, or wished to exhibit their brilliant wings, but the wiser leviathans of the deep kept in the cooler regions below the surface.

He who recited without an error earned a good mark and he who made more than three mistakes a bad mark. A fat boy with a sleepy face and hair as stiff and hard as the bristles of a brush yawned until he seemed to be about to dislocate his jaws, and stretched himself with his arms extended as though he were in his bed. The professor saw this and wished to startle him. "Eh, there, sleepy-head!

Without takin' more of your valuable time, I will now present to your attention" he tore open the bag "Cap'n Kidd, the Terror of the Mountains." The wagging jaws of the old paupers stopped as if petrified. Keeper Wixon peered under his hand and retreated a few paces. Even doughty Cap'n Sproul, accustomed to the marvels of land and sea, snapped his eyes.

Spencer is scarcely borne out by the facts so far as male jaws are concerned. The great reduction in the weight of female jaws and skulls evidently points to sexual selection and to panmixia under male protection.

His head was drawn suddenly, violently backward, and clamped in that position; and a metal instrument, forced into his mouth, while his lips bled in their resistance, pried jaws apart and held them open. "One drop!" the leader ordered curtly. The man with the full glass bent over him, and dipped a glass rod into the liquid.

But Daddy Skinner was once more gazing into the dark rafters, his jaws apart, the greyness of death settling about his mouth. "Daddy! Daddy!" screamed Tess. "Don't look like that! Don't go away oh, Daddy, please!... Andy! Andy!" The dwarf slipped down the ladder, and dropped at the side of the bed.

On looking out to see what had become of my young sisters' preserver, I observed him crossing the river; and in another minute he came up to us, and I recognised our missing friend Kanimapo. "I warned you not to descend into this valley, my friend," he observed; "and thankful am I to have preserved you from the jaws of yonder savage brute.

"Son of Henry the Eighth, hast thou prayed?" The boy struggled helplessly in his bonds, and at the same time forced a smothered sound through his closed jaws, which the hermit chose to interpret as an affirmative answer to his question. "Then pray again. Pray the prayer for the dying!" A shudder shook the boy's frame, and his face blenched.

But I have seen a young guardsman, with an enormous helmet and boots as big as himself, stand up at the table and "solitary and alone" work his jaws with such effect as to shake and set trembling the whole of his paraphernalia.

The great peculiarity of form in the Hyæna is the disproportionate smallness of his hind quarters; besides which, the vertebræ of his neck very often become stiffened, in consequence of the strain put upon them by the powerful muscles of that part, and of the jaws. So firm is the hold which they take, that nothing will make them leave what they have once seized.