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Updated: August 23, 2024

While the name remains unread, we have a bit of mystery, an unknown adventure ahead of us, perhaps. And that, my dear McCabe, is the salt of life." "Say, you ought to take that lecture out on the Chautauqua," says I. "Get busy slit or quit!" "Very well," says he, jabbin' the knife under the flap. "To discover the identity of the next in line!" "Well?" says I, as he stares at the slip of paper.

He had first known McCarthy years before when he was a reporter, and more recently had renewed the acquaintance in his walks across the bridge. "I didn't know you were there, McCarthy," he said. "No?" said the officer. "And who were ye jabbin' at, thin?" "I was just limbering up my wrist," said Cleggett. "'Tis a quare thing to do," persisted McCarthy, albeit good-humoredly.

Morgan, I'll fix up them vouchers with you," and givin' me the wink, I let out a yell, and jabbin' the spurs into Black Hawk, we cleared the fence and was off like a puff of dust, with the rest of 'em shootin' and screamin' after me like mad. Say!

"Oh," says he, "I couldn't pay him that compliment." Was that a joke, yes? Blamed if I could tell. Anyway, it wa'n't sense. And there's where I had the front to put it straight up to Mallory about his bein' stranded in a place where he had to take such pin jabbin' as that. "Say," says I, "is it hard luck, or a late start, or what?" "I fancy a late start would cover it," says he.

"Did ye say them guys had a trick of jabbin' men in their hammicks at night, Renzo?" was Tim's significant question after the Indians had departed. "Have no fear," Lourenço assured him. "They have promised to take us safely to their chief." "How much is the word of a cannibal worth?" asked Knowlton. "Worth everything, so long as you do nothing to make them forget it, senhor.

Considerin' that we was half beaten before we started, we'd done a pretty fair job. It was just a question now of how soon somebody'd have nerve enough to make a motion that we quit. That's when we had our first little flutter. "Huh!" says Old Hickory, jabbin' in with his spade. "Must have struck a log. Hand me a pick, someone."

"Twice have I seen the fur fly off av' wan av' thim hairy baboons av' Boers since he starrtud, an' supposin' the air a taste thicker, 'tis punched wid bullet-holes we'd be seem' ut all round 'um, the same as a young lady in the sky-in-terrific dhressmakin' line would be afther jabbin' out the pattern av' a shoot av' clothes."

Did look like kind of a jolly bunch, too, down there in the old dining-room orchestra jabbin' away, couple of real Jap girls floatin' around with cigars and cigarettes, and all kinds of glasses on the tables. But you should have seen Amby's jaw drop when he grabs the wine list and starts to give an order. "What the blazes is a grenadine cocktail or or a pineapple punch?" he demands.

"Say, Monty," says I, jabbin' him playful in the ribs, "how about you and that Miss Adams? Did you follow her to the frost line, or what?" "That's an excellent way to put it, McCabe," says he. "And I'm chilly yet from the experience." "Sporty lad!" says I. "Did you try to hold her hand, or something like that?" "What!" he gasps. "Try to hold hands with the stately Miss Adams? Heaven forbid!

Then he added: "I was kind o' thinkin'." "How?" "Why, mebbe two folks chasin' up a pin in a bunch o' grass is li'ble to halve most o' the chances agin either of 'em jabbin' their hands on the business end of it." "Two? You mean you're goin' to come along an' help find Ronny?" Jeff's eyes were expressing the thanks his lips withheld. Bud excused himself.

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