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"You give me any of your mouth, and I'll go and ring the old man's bell." Sam had met his match, and stood thinking what course he should pursue when his interrupter continued "I know: you're come because the old man arn't at home. Think I don't know yer?"

Then, not wishing to allow attention to be diverted from his message, he continued his discourse with such fervour that the people soon forgot the interrupter, and Bones forgot them and himself and his friend, in contemplation of the "Great Salvation." When the meeting was over he hurried out into the open air. Aspel followed, but lost him in the crowd.

This time the interrupter roared out a stanza or two of a wretched song: "Will no one tell me where they're gone, My bursting heart with grief is torn, I wish I never had been born, I've lost, I've lost my vife." A hundred or more voices roared with laughter. The devil of blasphemy was growing bolder.

It is understood, of course, that the employment of a magnet, air current, or other interrupter, produces no effect worth noticing, unless the self-induction, capacity and resistance are so related that there are oscillations set up upon each interruption. I will now endeavor to show you some of the most noteworthy of these discharge phenomena.

The possible interrupter of human actions, the old Cloud compeller, has it in his power to mould, in whatsoever shape he chooses, the inconsistent element, the limitless incoherence, the force diffused and undecided of aim. That mystery the tempest every instant accepts and executes some unknown changes of will, apparent or real. Poets have, in all ages, called this the caprice of the waves.

Miss Tipping raised her head and favoured the interrupter with a baleful stare, whereupon Mr. Porson, scratching his neck feebly, glanced at Mrs. Tipping for support. "Our relations needn't come to see us," said his niece, at length. "He's marrying me, not my relations." "He's making me his uncle, at any rate," said Mr. Porson, with a sudden access of dignity.

At the moment, as they were passing the toll-house, the other girl appeared surprisingly from round the corner of the toll-house, where the lane from Toft End joins the highroad. This second creature was smaller than Miss Lawton, less assertive, less intelligent, perhaps, but much more beautiful. Everyone halted and everyone blushed. 'May! the interrupter at length stammered.

"Put him out!" "Shove him off the platform!" "Fair play!" emerged from a general roar of amusement or execration. The chairman was on his feet flapping both his hands and bleating excitedly. "Professor Challenger personal views later," were the solid peaks above his clouds of inaudible mutter. The interrupter bowed, smiled, stroked his beard, and relapsed into his chair.

The green light vanished from the bulb, the hum of the interrupter swept down an octave or two and died away. Then Thorndyke and Dr. Norbury rose from their chairs and went toward the mummy, which they lifted tenderly while Polton drew from beneath it what presently turned out to be a huge black paper envelope.

The crowd liked that, and found themselves jeering at the interrupter as well as at the speaker. 'Why, you' he pointed at some one in the crowd 'you're like the man at 'Ammersmith this morning. 'E wus awskin' me, "'Ow would you like men to st'y at 'ome and do the fam'ly washin'?" I told 'im I wouldn't advise it. I 'ave too much respect fur' they waited while slyly he brought out 'me clo'es.