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Holmes knocked without receiving any answer, and then tried to turn the handle and force it open. It was locked on the inside, however, and by a broad and powerful bolt, as we could see when we set our lamp up against it. The key being turned, however, the hole was not entirely closed. Sherlock Holmes bent down to it, and instantly rose again with a sharp intaking of the breath.

"Yes, she must be like HER, Jan just as good and just as sweet and just as beautiful," interrupted Cummins gently. There was a quick intaking of his breath as he hobbled back to his own cot, leaving Jan at play with the baby.

At no time do we breathe pure oxygen, but "air" i.e., a mixture of 21 parts of the former with 79 parts of an inert gas, nitrogen; and there is always in the air more oxygen than the blood actually takes from it in the air-cells. The intaking of air is termed by physiologists inspiration, and its expulsion expiration, the whole process being respiration.

And the man in the room with me leaned against the mantel-door and listened. His pursuers were plainly baffled: I heard him draw a long breath, and turn to grope his way through the blackness. Then he touched my hand, cold, clammy, death-like. A hand in an empty room! He drew in his breath, the sharp intaking of horror that fills lungs suddenly collapsed.

Here I have lain since the Feast of the Virgin, and here I am like still to be, for I can move no limb, save only my hand; but grieve not, sweet lady, for Saint Catharine hath been our friend since in so short a time I had two such ventures as the Red Ferret and the intaking of the Reaver's fortalice.

There, not three paces away from me, was the dim outline of the young girl's form vaguely discernible in the gloom a white mass, almost motionless, against a background of inky blackness. With a quick intaking of my breath I sprang forward, the shawl outspread in my hand, and with a quick dexterous gesture I threw it over her head, and the next second had her, faintly struggling, in my arms.

They must have made a noise perhaps merely an intaking of breath inaudible even to themselves but clear to the ears of Joan. She was on her feet, with bright, wild eyes glancing here and there. There was no suggestion of childishness in her, but a certain willingness to flee from a great danger or attack a weaker force.

The portiere fell; but between its folds the Duke still peered into the room, where de Soyecourt had drawn nearer to the Duke's wife. "There is so little to say," the Marquis murmured, "beyond what my eyes have surely revealed a great while ago that I love you." "Ah!" the Duchess cried, with a swift intaking of the breath which was almost a sob.

And one who hath witnessed the intaking of Frankfort, and Spanheim, and Nuremberg, and so forth, should know somewhat about leaguers, storms, onslaughts and outfalls." "But your merit, sir, and experience, were doubtless followed by promotion?"

He liked an automobile, but he was too fat to sit in comfort on a rangy cow pony. "Keep head down!" he advised Nort, as he saw the lad apparently duck a bullet. "Guess that's good advice," admitted the lad with a sharp intaking of his breath. "Do same like soldiers," went on Buck Tooth. And, as I have said, the example of the troopers was one to be followed.