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Though the life of a large portion of the human race is still confined to the pursuit of these same ends, yet so vast has been the increase of psychical life that the simple character of the ends is liable to be lost sight of amid the variety, the indirectness, and the complexity of the means.

The vague expression of her features changed; she answered with heightened colour: "The Sagamore is my friend as well as yours. Is it strange that I should speak with him when it pleases me to do so?" There was an indirectness in her gaze, as well as in her reply, that troubled me, but I said amiably: "What has become of your mincing escort? Is he gone to secure a canoe?"

Just as a man who rides a great deal and never walks acquires a certain indirectness of the legs, and you never mistake a jockey for a drill-sergeant, so the web-footed beasts are not among the things that are "comely in going." Following this road you arrive at the seal and sea-lion.

But I have lately been finding out that it is your shallow lover who can't help making a declaration. If Mirah's ways were less distracting, and it were less of a heaven to be in her presence and watch her, I must long ago have flung myself at her feet, and requested her to tell me, with less indirectness, whether she wished me to blow my brains out.

"He didn't merely disapprove of the dance and supper, but he had some very peculiar notions about the relations of the different classes in general," said Annie; and this was the point she had meant circuitously to lead up to when she began to speak of South Hatboro', though she theoretically despised all sorts of feminine indirectness. "Yes?" said the doctor. "What notions?"

She replied coldly, "I do not wish to listen to this, and you must not expect me to interfere." "But, miss, you will hear one word?" "I cannot. I am not interested in the marriage, and even if I were I could not compel Mr. Wildeve to do my bidding." "As the only lady on the heath I think you might," said Venn with subtle indirectness. "This is how the case stands. Mr.

As for remedy, it manifestly follows that there is none save a purified public opinion. When that abhorrence which society now shows to direct theft, is shown to theft of all degrees of indirectness, then will these mercantile vices disappear.

Peter talked to conceal his feelings, and, like many a man practising that indirectness, rather lost himself in the wood. They agreed that, putting strange accidents aside, the girl would go further than any one had gone in England within the memory of man; and that it was a pity, as regards marking the comparison, that for so long no one had gone any distance worth speaking of.

The explanation, with the usual indirectness of a Griswold, was sugared with a compliment. "Poe has great intellectual power," he said with emphasis, "great intellectual power, but," he added, with a sidelong glance of the furtive eye and a confidential drop in the voice, "but he has no principle no moral sense."

Shakespeare understood perfectly the charm of indirectness, of making his readers seem to discover for themselves what he means to show them. If he wishes to tell that the leaves of the willow are gray on the under side, he does not make it a mere fact of observation by bluntly saying so, but makes it picturesquely reveal itself to us as it might in Nature: