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The city, the birth into the new world, youth, exist in the music of Ornstein with all the sharpness of shock because of an imagination of a wonderful forcefulness. There is no indirectness in Ornstein, no vagueness. His tension is always of the fullest, the stiffest. What he feels, what he hears, he sets down, irrespective of all the canons and rules and procedures.

"Clym, I am unhappy at what I hear," she said in a low voice; and her eyes drooped, and she turned away. This indication of an unexpected mine of hope in Eustacia's bosom disconcerted her husband. It was the first time that he had confronted the fact of the indirectness of a woman's movement towards her desire. But his intention was unshaken, though he loved Eustacia well.

Something of the old, quizzical look was playing about the corner of her pretty mouth as her elder sister, with feminine indirectness, began her verbal skirmishing with the subject. It was some time before the question was reached which led to her real objective: "Did he did Mr. Hayne tell you much about Clancy?" "Not much. There was no time." "You had fully ten minutes, I'm sure.

However this may be, and whatever we may think of judging systems by the directness or indirectness of those who advance them, biologists, having committed themselves too rashly, would have been more than human if they had not shown some pique towards those who dared to say, first, that the theory of Messrs.

He approaches it through the mind of an onlooker, Napoleon or Kutusov or the little girl by the stove in the corner, borrowing the value of indirectness, the increased effect of a story that is seen as it is mirrored in the mind of another. But he chooses his onlooker at random and follows no consistent method.

Presently she sent Katy to get her some drink, not because she wanted it, but to procure her absence for a short time. "Do you think I shall get well?" asked Mrs. Redburn, as soon as the door closed behind Katy. "A person who is very sick, is of course, always in danger, which may be more or less imminent," replied the doctor, with professional indirectness.

"On what account, Bart?" asked the other, with a glance of concern. "Well, it's for a reason I have, and then one or two more on top of that," replied the former, with his usual indirectness.

He was reasoning against the desire, which had returned with intensity, to take her in his arms; to have done with indirectness; to explain exactly what he felt. What he said was against his belief; all the things that were important about her he knew; he felt them in the air around them; but he said nothing; he went on arranging the stones. "I like you; d'you like me?" Rachel suddenly observed.

She replied coldly, "I do not wish to listen to this, and you must not expect me to interfere." "But, miss, you will hear one word?" "I cannot. I am not interested in the marriage, and even if I were I could not compel Mr. Wildeve to do my bidding." "As the only lady on the heath I think you might," said Venn with subtle indirectness. "This is how the case stands. Mr.

Such a procedure may be charged with indirectness; but it was in accordance with the wily and politic element from which the iron nature of La Salle was not free, but which was often defeated in its aims by other elements of his character.