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Miss Arabella Thornton had whispered to her father that he had better adjourn this court to the next room. There were signs of migration, a loosening of people in their places, a looking about for arms to hitch on to. "Stop!" said the Colonel. "There's something coming yet. Ice-cream!" The great folks saw that the play was not over yet, and that it was only polite to stay and see it out.

Other baskets are made with nougat, others with pastry, and the Swiss make what they call Vacherin with almond paste, and serve whipped cream in them; but the idea may be extended and improved upon by serving dried fruits or candies, or ice-cream in them, and they are a decided improvement on the paper baskets so often used for the last purpose, being eatable. Swiss Vacherin.

"Three gentlemen courtiers of this court, who reside in the same castle, had ice-cream for dinner last night. The colors were pink and white. It was exceeding good. "A very young princess, a sister of our beloved Queen, went walking yesterday afternoon with her maid of honor. The princess wore a big white hat with funny ribbon bunches on it. Also white shoes. "Mr.

Carl sat beside Adelaide Benner in the decorous and giggling circle that ringed the room, waiting for the "refreshments." He was healthily interested in devouring maple ice-cream and chocolate layer-cake. But all the while he was spying on the group gathering about Gertie Ben Rusk, Howard Griffin, and Joe Jordan.

Lemon Baskets are prepared precisely as the orange baskets, but they require longer boiling, and the syrup they are served with should be flavored with citronelle or the rasped peel of green limes. Orange Baskets Glacé. These are not much more trouble than the baskets simply preserved, but if successfully done they can be very effectively filled with candies or ice-cream.

I wouldn't have an ice-cream soda now, if I had a pocket full of money and I could get one by going across the street!" Eleanor smiled at her. "What a reckless promise! Only you know you are perfectly safe," she said, half mockingly. "I really mean it," protested Dolly. "I'm going to swear off for a long time, anyhow.

No. 19 McDougle Street had been chosen as a likely market by a "hokey-pokey" man, who had wheeled his cart to the curb before the entrance. There, despite Mrs. Hastings' coach-man's peremptory appeal, he continued to dispense stained ice-cream to the little denizens of No. 19 and the other houses in the row.

We whacked this up, shared it, and sometimes loaned all of what was left of it when one of us needed it for some more gorgeous girl-adventure, such as car-fare out to Blair's Park and back twenty cents, bang, just like that; and ice-cream for two thirty cents; or tamales in a tamale-parlour, which came cheaper and which for two cost only twenty cents. I did not mind this money meagreness.

Uncle Tom says they obey, and that's what boys ought to do obey. Gee! it's good we're not engines, isn't it, Dan? We'd blow things sky high. Here's the second call for dinner," said Freddy, roused from these serious reflections by the sound of the gong. "We'd better move quick, Dan, or the ice-cream may give out." "Can you have ice-cream, all you want?" asked Dan.

We never cared any thing about ice-cream at home, but we look upon it with a sort of idolatry now that it is so scarce in these red-hot climates of the East. We only found two pieces of statuary, and this was another blessing. One was a bronze image of the Duc de Richelieu, grand-nephew of the splendid Cardinal.