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He could not conceive how he had come to make such a fool of himself, and he wondered if he would have enough confidence to spend a dollar on luxuries again. It was awful to contemplate the amount he had lost. He felt as if it were sinful extravagance to even pay his car-fare up-town, and he contemplated giving his landlord the rent with keen distress.

"Winter before last when he was out of a job for quite a while and mother was having a hard time of it trying to keep us warm and fed, I heard of a place in the next town, just a car-ride away, where I could work for my board and get my fifty cents a day and car-fare if I wanted to go home at night. It was to work in a nice, genteel restaurant; so I coaxed mother to let me take it, which she did.

The Planet is behind you. Have you got car-fare? Right." That was the way he did things. As he passed uptown a newsboy was already calling, "Club Man Murdered! Another Club Man Murdered!" Carelessly throwing a cent to the boy, Kent purchased a paper and read the brief notice of the tragedy.

"I'll pay you twenty per cent.," he offered, "for all the new names you put on my books." "Make it twenty-five on first orders and twenty on repeaters. I'll bring my own luncheon and pay my car-fare." "There wouldn't be any profit left," demurred Kurtz. "Good! Then it's a bargain twenty-five and twenty. Now watch me grab the adolescent offshoots of our famous Four Hundred."

Poor little shaver never had anything to treat with at school, the way the rest of the boys did; and never even had car-fare always walked, rain or shine, unless his father took him along with him in the machine. Billy used to say even in those days he liked walking better.

The shilling rolled out from among the quarters, and as she hurriedly repeated the date and inscription to prove her story, the coin was passed back to her with a polite bow. She looked into her purse for the quarter which she had started to put into the collection, then remembered that she had loaned it to Joyce for car-fare the night before.

Now he spends his old age watching this blackboard, and considers it a good day that brings him five dollars and his car-fare. At one end of the low-ceiled apartment are busy clerks behind a counter, alert and cheerful. If one should go through a side door and down a passage he might encounter the smell of rum.

But why in Heaven's name should he send his secretary down to inquire when he had a telephone connecting with the firm right there in his office! And so I saw it all in one instant the thing flashed over me! I was so wild I paid a car-fare I rode straight as a die down to that place, and I went in and saw the clerk. "He has sent the manuscript now," I said, "hasn't he?" "Yes," she said.

After supper was over, and he had helped to dry the dishes, Paul nervously asked his father whether he could go to George's to get some help in his geometry, and still more nervously asked for car-fare. This latter request he had to repeat, as his father, on principle, did not like to hear requests for money, whether much or little.

She would seem to have expressed a sentiment common to the majority, for three heads in Spring finery leaned dejectedly against the stone barrier while Nathan removed his car-fare to contribute the remark that he was growing hungry.