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Updated: August 22, 2024

Where two or more headsets are used with one wireless receiving set they must all be of the same resistance and connected in series, that is, the coils of one head set are connected with the coils of the next head set and so on to form a continuous circuit. The Impedance of Headphones.

What he feared was something subtler that the small items of everyday living, something as simple as a nail file, would betray him. On his way he looked into the Recreation Lounge, filled with comfortable seats, vision-screens, and what looked like simple pinball machines and mechanical games of skill. There were also stacks of tapereels and headsets for listening, not unlike those humans used.

She therefore put on one of the headsets, motioning the men to do the same, and approached Kromodeor with the other, repeating the hexan word of friendly import. This time the Vorkul's brain was not sealed against the visitors and thoughts began to flow. "You've used those things a lot," Brandon turned to Stevens in a quick aside. "Can you hide your thoughts?" "Sure why?"

Nadia exclaimed, in surprise. "How come, do you suppose?" "I can, too. Don't know must be from using that thought telephone of theirs so much, I guess. Here comes Barkovis I'll ask him." The Titanian commander had been in earnest conversation with a group of fellow-creatures and was now walking toward the Terrestrials, carrying the multiple headsets.

The man on the extreme right, as we face them, is Zezdon Fentes of Thought, Zezdon apparently meaning something like professor, or 'First Student of. Those next him are Zezdon Afthen of Physics and Zezdon Inthel of Chemistry." Zezdon Afthen offered them the headsets, and in a moment everyone present was wearing one.

They saw us all the time, and when we headed for this, the Sixth City, he came over from the capital, or First City, in the flagship of his police fleet, to welcome us or to fight us, as we pleased. Carfon, this is Martin Crane or say, better than introductions, put on the headsets, everybody, and get acquainted right."

The three returned to their ship for a moment, coming out with several peculiar headsets. Almost at once the ship started to rise, going up more and more swiftly, as the people cleared a way for it. Then, in the tiniest fraction of a second, the ship was gone; it shrank to a point, and was invisible in the blue vault of the sky. "Apparently they intend to stay a while," said Wade.

"Then why are your brains so large?" "Merely a provision of Nature that no possible accession of knowledge shall find her storehouse too small," replied Drasnik, positively. "Ready?" All three donned the headsets and a wave of mental force swept into Seaton's mind, a wave of such power that the Terrestrial's every sense wilted under the impact.

This three-dimensional model, or view, or whatever you want to call it, is converted into electricity in the headsets, and the resulting modulated wave goes back to the educator. There it is heterodyned with another wave this second frequency was found after thousands of trials and is, I believe, the exact frequency existing in the optic nerves themselves and sent to the receiving headset.

Our system is not simple as yours, but more effective, for yours depends on thought ideas, not altogether universal. Place these on your heads, for only a moment. I must induce temporary hypnotic coma. Let one try first if you desire." The leader of the visitors held out one of the several headsets they had brought, caplike things, made of laminated metal apparently.

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