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A month had passed. She woke one night from dreams of Perion what else should women dream of? and found the same Ahasuerus that had brought her news of Perion's captivity, so long ago, attendant at her bedside. He seemed a prey to some half-scornful mirth. In speech, at least, the man was of entire discretion. "The Splendour of the World desires your presence, madame." Thus the Jew blandly spoke.

In the half-scornful, half-resigned look she had given him when he entered there was no doubt that she recognized him as the man she had come to see. He had changed little in the five years that had elapsed since he entered the three partners' cabin at Heavy Tree Hill. His short hair and beard still clung to his head like curled moss or the crisp flocculence of Astrakhan.

For a moment he stood inert, embarrassed by her straight, half-scornful glance then he regained his usual mental poise and smiled with provoking good humour and tolerance. "Temper, Manella! temper again! A pity, a pity! Your Spanish blood is too fiery, Manella! it is indeed! You have been very rude do you know how rude you have been? But there! I forgive you! You are only a naughty child!

The brilliant red of the heavens flamed in its stony eyes, and gave them a sentient look as of contemplated murder, and the same radiance fitfully playing on the half-scornful, half-sensual lips caused them to smile with a seeming voluptuous mockery. Dr.

The taste of freedom already began to intoxicate her even while she still went about Clarence's house, bore his moods in silence, and imparted to Billy that half-scornful, half-humorous advice that alone seemed to penetrate the younger woman's shell of utter perversity. Mrs.

The figure of the vulgar, half-clothed, painted creature known as Violet Vere rose up mockingly before her eyes, and the half-scornful, half-jesting words of Lady Winsleigh rang persistently in her ears.

Olga, holding the door open, looked across at him with surprise that turned almost instantly to half-scornful enlightenment. "Oh, that's it, is it?" she said. "That's it," said Max. "Quite sure you don't want to know anything else?" Again he puffed the smoke upwards and watched it ascend. "Why on earth couldn't you have said so before?" said Olga.

He put them on, then, with a smile, half-scornful, half-amused, playing in his beard. The touch of a button precipitated darkness upon the Board Room. He made his way out, and downstairs to the street. It was a rainy, windy October night, sloppy underfoot, dripping overhead.

The impression which he leaves on one who studies his features and watches his bearing is not agreeable. Tall, thin, and quite erect, always dressed with scrupulous care, distant and reserved in manner, his eye dull, his lips wearing habitually a half-scornful, half-contemptuous expression, one can readily believe him to be a man addicted to bitter enmities, but incapable of warm friendships.

Something Gail had said the night before came back to her one of the girl's half-scornful, half-amused phrases. "Barring a male flirt or so like Clarence over there," she had vouchsafed, "men are such simple-minded children of nature! All you have to do is to treat them like hounds and tell them what to do, and they'll do it." Joy could scarcely imagine treating John like a hound.