United States or Haiti ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

You should never quarrel over quality when it is the same under any name, and follow the advice Madame de la Sablière gives you in the following madrigal: Bélise ne veut point d'amant, Mais voudrait un ami fidèle, Qui pour elle eût des soins et de l'empressement, Et qui même la trouvât belle. Amants, qui soupirez pour elle, Sur ma parole tenez bon, Bélise de l'amour ne hait que le nom.

'Nous avons tous assez de force pour supporter les maux d'autrui. 'Quelque bien qu'on nous dise de nous, on ne nous apprend rien de nouveau. 'On croit quelquefois haïr la flatterie, mais on ne hait que le manière de flatter. 'Le refus de la louange est un désir d'être loué deux fois. 'Les passions les plus violentes nous laissent quelquefois du relâche, mais la vanité nous agite toujours. No more powerful dissolvent for the self-complacency of humanity was ever composed.

The text reads: On the eighteenth day of the third month of the season of the Inundation, of the fifth year, Unu-Amen, the senior priest of the Hait chamber of the house of Amen, the Lord of the thrones of the Two Lands, set out on his journey to bring back wood for the great and holy Boat of Amen-Rā, the King of the Gods, which is called "User-hat," and floateth on the canal of Amen.

Thady, to hear his riverence going on the like of that," said the old woman, appealing to Macdermot; "and wasn't it himself sent the broth down in it to Widow Green the latter end of last winter, and didn't the foolish slip of a girl, her grand-dater, go to hait it over the hot coals for the ould woman, jist as it was, and in course the hait smashed the glass, and why wouldn't it, and the broth was all spilt?

Leavitt, the Pilot, in the most convenient situation for landing in the harbor of St. A boat was procured for the purpose. David Pickett, Israel Hait, Silas Raymond and others proceeded sixty miles up the River St.

I'm koorius about this, bekaise I've got a receipt for that same that's infallerable, as his Riverence says. Tell him, with my luv, to mix a spoonful o' pepper, an' two o' salt, an' wan o' mustard, an' a glass o' whisky in a taycup, with a sprinklin' o' ginger; fill it up with goat's milk, or ass's, av ye can't git goat's; hait it in a pan, an' drink it as hot as he can hotter, if possible.

Vansittart, "which is what really happens to all human interests, my friend." "La plus grande punition infligee a l'homme, c'est faire souffrir ce qu'il aime, en voulant frapper ce qu'il hait." Cornish had, as he told Mrs.

Poor Bridget tended him as she would a weakly infant, and made many enquiries touching his friends, pursuits, etc., all of which he answered promptly, in his smooth, insinuating voice. Indeed, before he was in Bridget's company an hour he hobbled over and kissed her, whereupon she blushed, put up her apron, and said that he was 'revivin' purty fast since he got into the hait ov the fire.

At other times she could see around her nothing but a mass of mutual hatreds, into which she was plunged herself no less than her neighbours: Je ramenai la Maréchale de Mirepoix chez elle; j'y descendis, je causai une heure avec elle; je n'en fus pas mécontente. Elle hait la petite Idole, elle hait la Maréchale de Luxembourg; enfin, sa haine pour tous les gens qui me déplaisent me fit lui pardonner l'indifférence et peut-être la haine qu'elle a pour moi. Convenez que voil

Quoiqu'il soit allié au grand-Turc, puisqu'il a épousé sa soeur, il le hait fort, parce que celui-ci lui a pris une partie du Karman. Cependant il n'ose l'attaquer, vu que l'autre est trop fort; mais je suis persuadé que s'il le voyoit entrepris avec succès de notre côté, lui, du sien, ne le laisseroit pas en paix.