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The Auld Licht kirk would be half an hour yet. "But, Sanders," said Sam'l, brightening up, "ye was on yer wy to spier her yer-sel." "I was, Sam'l," said Sanders, "and I canna but be thankfu' ye was ower quick for's." "Gin't hadna been you," said Sam'l, "I wid never hae thocht o't."

I defy him to hae played 'Boot and saddle, or 'Horse and away, or 'Gallants, come trot, with me; he hadna the tones." "But what is all this to old Lord Ravenswood, my friend?" said the Master, who, with an anxiety not unnatural in his circumstances, was desirous of prosecuting the musician's first topic "what had his memory to do with the degeneracy of the trumpet music?"

They wudda gane through the washin'-hoose door if it hadna happened to be open. I had forgotten aboot them at the time; but, keep me, when they cam' oot o' Dauvid's efter their tea, I floo to the door. I thocht it was somebody run ower.

I hadna any fear o' harm to my bonnie bit wifie, for she had promised to go to her hame, and I was sure she would be mair than welcome when she went without me. I didna expect any letters, because Bessie couldna write, and, indeed, I was poor enough wi' my pen at that time, and only wrote once to tell her I had good wark and would be for her a New Year.

'But, eh! what am I to du wantin ye, Kirsty? moaned her mother. 'Ye min', mother, answered Kirsty, 'hoo I wad be oot the lang day wi' Steenie, and ye never thoucht ye hadna me! 'Na, never. I aye kenned I had the twa o' ye.

But ye see, gin I hadna dune as I was tauld, and learnt a' aboot hoo it was dune aforehan', I wad hae had naething to gang rizzonin' aboot, an' wad hae fun' oot naething. 'That's good, Robert. But when a man is dying for food, he can't wait. 'He micht try to get up and luik, though. 'I have been looking, Robert for years. 'Maybe, like me, only for the rizzon o' 't, Mr.

Dabby was dressed twice as grand, and was twice as big, and spoke twice as loud, and twice as muckle, as the Queen did, but she hadna the same goss-hawk glance that makes the skin creep, and the knee bend; and though she had very kindly gifted her with a loaf of sugar and twa punds of tea, yet she hadna a'thegither the sweet look that the Queen had when she put the needle-book into her hand."

He kissed her kindly, but his first words had the spirit of the reproof he thought she well deserved: "Maggie Promoter, you did not behave well to me yonder day I sent you home, as it was my duty to do. If the Lord hadna undertaken the guiding o' you, you wad hae made a sair mistake, my lassie! But I'll say nae mair, seeing that He has brought gude out o' evil and right out o' wrang."

But," she went on, looking at Adam, "donna thee talk o' goin' south'ard or north'ard, an' leavin' thy feyther and mother i' the churchyard, an' goin' to a country as they know nothin' on. I'll ne'er rest i' my grave if I donna see thee i' the churchyard of a Sunday." "Donna fear, mother," said Adam. "If I hadna made up my mind not to go, I should ha' been gone before now."

"Theer wur a lass as worked at th' Deepton mines," she said "a lass as had a weakly brother as worked an' lodged wi' her. Her name wur Jinny, an' she wur quiet and plain-favored. Theer wur other wenches as wur well-lookin', but she wasna; theer wur others as had homes, and she hadna one; theer wur plenty as had wit an' sharpness, but she hadna them neyther.