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The special shade of apprehension on the part of the Miss Lutches might indeed have suggested the vision of an energy supremely asserted. It was droll, in truth, if one came to that, the position of the Miss Lutches: they had themselves brought, they had guilelessly introduced Mrs. Rance, strong in the fact of Mr.

"Would that do any good?" asked Corydon, guilelessly. He laughed as he answered, "It would, from her point of view." To which she replied, "Well, if we didn't know it and the baby didn't, I guess it wouldn't do any harm." "And it might save him from some kind of a hell!" added Thyrsis. Section 2. Miss Gordon came the next morning, Mr.

Jack stared in amazement, but the meekest, most demure of maidens confronted him from the opposite chair, with eyes so translucently candid, lips so guilelessly sweet, that it seemed incredible that any hidden mischief could lurk behind the innocent question. Nevertheless seven years' intimacy with Miss Margot made Jack Martin suspicious of mischief. "What do you know about this editor man?

"Oh you sound so fierce, Mistah Petahs! Which dog? When?" she asked guilelessly. "I'll get it you lie back, little lady, and rest your pretty head." She lay back, with swimming eyes. He went half a step along the alley-way. "Mistah Petahs," she called faintly. He came back, assiduous. "On ice," she murmured. He nodded and went. "So kind so sympathetic," murmured Mrs. Hetherington with closed eyes.

"Haven't you had your lunch yet?" she asked Tom. He looked at her guilelessly and said, "No; I was waiting for it." "Well, I'll get it," she said. "I thought the other nurse had brought it." She started out, and then she came back and had to fuss with his cushions, and then she saw the tray on the floor. "You did so have your lunch!" she accused. Tom looked at her as innocently as ever.

"I'm quite set up by his good opinion seeing he knows so much about it." That Persis' dry retort veiled sarcasm was far from Diantha's thought. She continued guilelessly. "He's got such good taste, Thad has. Don't you think men have better taste than women, Miss Persis? All women care about is following the styles, and men think whether the way you do your hair is becoming or not.

The sight of his red head coming round the corner was always enough to strike panic into a score of youngsters, and even we bigger boys always looked meek when Prog came out to defy us. He was strolling guilelessly along, and didn't see us at first. Then suddenly he caught sight of us approaching, and next moment the blue apron and red head disappeared with a bolt round the corner.

If they could be brought to the "going-point," by men more of their ilk, like Sir Edwin Sandys, Weston, and others, it would then be time to see if he could not pluck the ripe fruit for himself, as he seems to have done. One can readily imagine the crafty smile with which Sir Ferdinando thus guilelessly recorded the complete success of his plot.

The franc and half-franc pieces were simple tokens of love to propitiate her; while, as for the postage-stamps, these could only be sent for convenience' sake, in lieu of coined money; unless, indeed, they were sent guilelessly, as in the case of a peasant woman who had added a postscript to her letter to say that she enclosed a stamp for the reply.

She tapped the holster on her thigh and gazed at him quite guilelessly out of wide and trustful eyes. "You see? I dare not even come here to wash my clothes unless I carry this in case some Boche comes prowling." "Whose pistol is it?" he asked. "The weapon belongs to Monsieur Steek. When I come to wash here I borrow it."