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Shackleby laughed contemptuously. "You'll just come along instead of blustering there's not an ounce of real grit in you. This is no time for sentiment, and you have admitted that Mrs. Leslie was on good terms with Thurston. If she has warned him, one of us at least will have to make a record break out of this country. If he doesn't it won't be the divorce court he'll figure in."

Presently he caught it up and presented it to the girl, who eyed him in astonishment. "I only wanted to look at it," he said courteously. "I like your grit as much as I admire your beauty. Keep the ring." She slipped it mechanically over her finger. "But you, my dear Mr. Comstalk!" he cried, turning his shining eyes upon me, while his fingers deftly replaced the gems in the bag.

"Well," she remarked thoughtfully, "none of us knows what there is in the future, and there are signs that you have intelligence and grit in you." Then she dismissed the subject. "I think you might take me for a row," she said.

"Poor Rosemary," sighed Bud, trying to find an easy position for his wounded hand. "She must have had a tough time." "Yet she had a lot of grit to send that message the way she did," commented Nort. "Yes, only for that we wouldn't have known about it for a long time maybe too late," agreed Bud. It was but a few minutes after this talk that, suddenly, a shot rang out well up ahead.

Christie replied that the party did not want such men, they wanted only those who were "Clear Grit." This is one of several theories as to the derivation of the name. The North American, edited by Macdougall, denounced Brown with equal fury as a servile adherent of the Baldwin government. Brown for several years was in this position of hostility to the Radical wing of the party.

When the circle was duly completed, then, like vultures swooping down upon their prey, the attacking Indians fell upon their victims and completed the massacre. "There!" Kate exclaimed. "That's about as I remember it. And a pretty parlor story it is, isn't it?" "I like that feller," declared Bill, with wholesome appreciation. "He was good grit. A bit of a mean cuss but good grit."

The showers are so gentle and refreshing that they serve as a perpetual delight." W. W. Green says: "But whether stockholders do their part or not, we are here to do our part in solving the great question of Integral Co-operation, and if we fail it is their fault. But we do not intend to fail. We have men here of the right grit, and enough of them to hold the fort.

This can then be put on a wiper which will snugly fit the bore, and the barrel may then be put in the lathe and rotated at a high rate of speed with the wiper in the bore, and during the rotation the wiper is drawn in and out. This operation should be continued for an hour at least, frequently withdrawing it to add more of the polishing grit." "What is the best grit to use?"

"That little dame has plenty of grit to fight the battle, but if I can manage it she will have to give up, if not she is a match for the old fellow." The above remark of Montague Arnold gave his companion some assurance yet it did not satisfy him.

"Grit never gave me only a penny a pound," she cried. "Grit is dead," said Great Taylor. "Dead!" echoed the child, clinging motionless to the wheel. "Grit is dead?" She turned suddenly and ran toward the house, calling: "Mamma, poor old Grit is dead." Great Taylor put her weight against the handle of the cart. She pushed on desperately. Something had taken hold of her throat.