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"It's not going to suit me to have you slipping out of the country," he said. "I want you right here, though it would be quite easy to find a man with twice the grit you have in you. You let Alton whip you off your claim in Washington, and for I've a notion of what has happened 'most pound the head off you yesterday. Now you want to light out, leaving him to laugh at you?"

We should call him a rank bad lot" the dressing-gown and slippers manner was very much in evidence just here "but the Turco-Egyptian has a different code from ours. I must say I admire the man. He's got so much grit in him. Worker, lover, hater there's grit and go in each. Whichever bobs up, bobs up to win right out.

It is pleasanter to read of Spanish women serving their own cause than of Cuban women who betrayed their country, and the Spanish dames have often shown as much grit and pride as the dons. Pauline Macias is alleged to have led the soldiers back to their guns in San Juan de Puerto Rico after they had run from Sampson's shells.

The youth's features gradually assumed a grave and haughty cast, and, turning away, he walked to the stool he had occupied, and sat down in silence. "I will win him from the Indians," said Mary, running after him, and sitting down at his side. "Ugh!" exclaimed the youth in displeasure, and moved a short distance away. "He's not true grit I 'most wish I had killed him," said Sneak.

But his friends urged him to submit to the one, and do the other, both on grounds of economy and common prudence. He was almost super-anxious lest it be said that the fear of the mob drove him out of Boston, and that the fear of it kept him out. This super-anxiety in that regard his friends to a certain degree shared with him. It was a phase of Abolition grit.

By night they could see nothing. There was only one way, said Graham, to prevent the more daring among the rioters crawling in on them and firing some of the shops, and that was to throw out strong pickets on every side, then trust to their ears, their grit, and their guns. Already he had been selecting good positions in which to post his sentries.

Even Albert Penny, rubbing the grit out of his eyes, had marveled at the matinal bloom of her. She ran in her movements, closing drawers and doors after her to keep down her rising sense of confusion, pinning where fingers could not wait to fit hook to eye.

I've heard about eight million men myself make the same claim. But my granddad was the real article in the minute-men business. And I've always admired his grit most of any man in the world. He was about your shape, I reckon, from his picture that old man Copley got out. But, man! he wasn't a patchin' on your coat-sleeve. You are the preposterous-est unlawful-est infamous-est man I ever saw.

But he noticed that the man who had been sitting at the table had not left the place but was furtively watching, a few steps away. He was an ugly-looking customer, and Hamilton, full of grit as he was, felt uneasy.

"He's so little, he needs so much, he's got such splendid grit, and he's perfectly unselfish with his brother and sister. But we must wash him before Aunt Margaret sees him. I wonder if mother " "You needn't bother. I'm going to take him home the way he is," said Sinton. "I want Maggie to see the worst of it." "I'm afraid " began Elnora. "So am I," said Wesley, "but I won't give him up.