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Think of how many capacities for good disappear. Think of how dry and seared the heart becomes. Think of how conscience is stifled. All sin any sin does this. Not only gross, open transgressions, but any piece of godless living will do it. Whatever a man does against his conscience neglect of duty, habitual unveracity, idleness in a word, his besetting sin withers him up.

There was a church at Thorhall-stead, but Glam loathed church-song, being godless, foul-tempered and surly, and no man could abide him, Thorhall's wife least of all. So time wore on till Christmas-eve, when Glam called for his meat, but was told that no Christian man would eat meat on that day. He insisted; and the housewife gave it, though prophesying evil would come of it.

One saw in the man's face that he was enduring pain, that the thought was so real to him that he himself actually suffered, and suffered acutely. If we had imagination enough to feel as he felt the dreadful fears and awful deprivation of little children in the godless slums of great cities, we, too, should rush out from our comfortable ease to raise Salvation Armies.

II. A godless life is one of unsatisfied hunger and thirst. The poor results of the exiles' toil did not avail to stay gnawing hunger nor slake burning thirst, and the same result applies only too sadly to lives lived apart from God. There are a multitude of desires proper to the human soul besides those which belong to the bodily frame, and these have their proper objects.

And all those are mine equals who give unto themselves their Will, and divest themselves of all submission. I am Zarathustra the godless! I cook every chance in MY pot. And only when it hath been quite cooked do I welcome it as MY food. And verily, many a chance came imperiously unto me: but still more imperiously did my WILL speak unto it, then did it lie imploringly upon its knees

Some friend of the kaid having given him due notice of the raiders' intentions treachery is a painfully common feature of these forays he had been well prepared to meet these godless men. Powder had spoken, and was to speak again, for the kaid, having driven off the raiders, was going to carry war into the enemy's country, and was busy preparing to start on the morrow at daybreak.

The temporary dismay of the crowd disappeared. Honion, it was conjectured, would soon send the parson indoors to evensong. But the conjecture was faulty. Honion instead was sent for a two, a boundary, and a single. "Curse me!" grumbled Penny. "It's not in the best taste for the learned divine to play like any godless layman. Has he nothing better to do? Are there no souls to save?"

Are there not some listening to me, whose past is so dark that it flings black shadows over their future, and who can only cherish hopes for to-morrow, by giving the lie to and forgetting the whole of their yesterdays? It is hard to paint the regions before us like 'the Garden of the Lord, when we know that the locusts of our own godless desires have made all the land behind us desolate.

Of these godless lives it is true, 'This their way is their folly; yet their posterity approve their sayings, and their doings, and say and do them over again. Incapacity to learn by example is a mark of godless lives.

Their civilization is becoming every day more and more material, and this material civilization, while more and more material, is becoming less moral; society is becoming less solid, less safe, less stable; individuals are becoming more anarchical, the intellect more licentious, the wills of men more stubborn, and this self-will expresses itself in their actions, so that it is true to say that, by means of godless education, the principles of Christianity upon which the American Republic was founded, and by which it has hitherto been preserved, have been rejected, and are being violated on every side.