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Updated: August 11, 2024

He was reputed to be well-in, though some said that if everybody had their own he would n't be worth much. He was a glib-tongued Irishman who knew everything or fondly imagined he did from the law to horse-surgery. There was money to be made out of selections, he reckoned, if selectors only knew how to make it the majority, he proclaimed, did n't know enough to get under a tree when it rained.

The ring told Miriam that Marcus lived and that Nehushta was his messenger. This suspense at least was ended. Now the door-keeper called a warning and the buyers flocked from the building. Outside, the auctioneer, a smooth-faced, glib-tongued man, was already mounting the rostrum. Calling for silence he began his speech. On this evening of festival, he said, he would be brief.

Briefly and regrettably, they belong to the LEVELLERS, these wrongly named "free spirits" as glib-tongued and scribe-fingered slaves of the democratic taste and its "modern ideas" all of them men without solitude, without personal solitude, blunt honest fellows to whom neither courage nor honourable conduct ought to be denied, only, they are not free, and are ludicrously superficial, especially in their innate partiality for seeing the cause of almost ALL human misery and failure in the old forms in which society has hitherto existed a notion which happily inverts the truth entirely!

Now Sololo, having had experience of Vooda's persuasive tongue and knack of casuistry, did not wish to argue the point knowing, as he did full well, the object of Vooda's visit and at once made up his mind that he would not see the glib-tongued constable alone. "Son of my father," he said, "what you have to say, let it be said before these my councilors and friends."

At this juncture she began to wriggle uneasily in her chair, and her considerate patron respected herrheumaticsand took his leave. This conference, although the results may be read by a glib-tongued person in five minutes, occupied more than three-quarters of an hourMadame Prewster’s diction being slow and ponderous in proportion to her size.

What good is it for us to have Mr. Pound in the pulpit for one day of the week, and this glib-tongued man contradicting him for seven. Yet no statute forbids him to do this. What can you suggest, Mr. Pound?" Mr. Pound sought an inspiration in the ceiling. "The man has no visible means of support," he said after a moment. "His child is badly clothed, and, I presume, badly fed.

Whilst we want cities as the centres where the best things are found, cities degrade us by magnifying trifles. The countryman finds the town a chop-house, a barber's shop. He has lost the lines of grandeur of the horizon, hills and plains, and, with them, sobriety and elevation. He has come among a supple, glib-tongued tribe, who live for show, servile to public opinion.

Yet I must flatter myself that Americans do not always thus betray themselves. I happened, on the Isle of Wight, to hear a bland landlord "blow up" his glib-tongued son because the latter had not driven a stiffer bargain with us for the hire of a carriage round the island. "Didn't you know they were Americans?" asks the irate father. "I knew it at once."

I noticed that she kept her head straight, and was not nearly so glib-tongued and birdlike before mother and Sally as she had been at the schoolhouse. Maybe that was why father told mother that night that the new teacher would bear acquaintance. Sunday was like every other Sabbath, except that I felt so sad all day I could have cried, but I was not going to do it.

Perhaps he is a glib-tongued gentleman, and assures me that the proceedings will commence at once: 'Sei tchas! sei tchas! Don't believe what the priest or the dictionary tells you about the meaning of that expression. The dictionary will tell you that it means 'immediately, but that's all nonsense.

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