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Let LG be a ray falling on the arc AK. Its refraction GV will be given by means of the tangent which will be drawn at the point G. Now in GV the point D must be found such that FD together with 3/2 of DG and the straight line GL, may be equal to FB together with 3/2 of BA and the straight line AL; which, as is clear, make up a given length.

Go and tell her about the election. Quick! quick!" She fairly pushed him from her. "Don't wait," she urged, "go." Daniel was on his way when she called him back. "I almost forgot, Daddy, dear," she said repentantly. "I was so gl I mean well, never mind. What I want to say is that if you think the news will be too great a shock, if you think she is not strong enough to hear it now "

Come le mosche noi dobbiam morir, Mentre gl' imboscati si stanno a divertir." Sang the young men as they went away, While the imboscati were standing about To amuse themselves, with a newspaper in their hand And a cigarette. For us the bayonet charge! Like flies we must die. While the imboscati stand about to amuse themselves.

"Pollyanna," she cried sharply, "WILL you stop using that everlasting word 'glad'! It's 'glad' 'glad' 'glad' from morning till night until I think I shall grow wild!" From sheer amazement Pollyanna's jaw dropped. "Why, Aunt Polly," she breathed, "I should think you'd be glad to have me gl Oh!" she broke off, clapping her hand to her lips and hurrying blindly from the room.

saith the Gl. de poenitent. distinct. 3. c. sunt plures. To this effect having made inquiry and search for him throughout the whole camp, and in sequel thereof found him asleep, he said unto him, Up, ho, good fellow, in the name of all the devils of hell, rise up, rise up, get up!

So do all other righteous judges in their decision of processes and final determination of legal differences, observing that which hath been said thereof by D. Henri. Ferrandat, et not. gl. in c. fin. de sortil. et l. sed cum ambo. ff. de jud. Ubi Docto.

Let it be proposed to find the surface generated by the revolution of the curve KDE, which, receiving the incident rays coming to it from the point A, shall deviate them toward the point B. Then considering this other curve as already known, and that its apex D is in the straight line AB, let us divide it up into an infinitude of small pieces by the points G, C, F; and having drawn from each of these points, straight lines towards A to represent the incident rays, and other straight lines towards B, let there also be described with centre A the arcs GL, CM, FN, DO, cutting the rays that come from A at L, M, N, O; and from the points K, G, C, F, let there be described the arcs KQ, GR, CS, FT cutting the rays towards B at Q, R, S, T; and let us suppose that the straight line HKZ cuts the curve at K at right-angles.

Here, our companions tell us, was the scene of yesterday's skirmish, in which they took an active part. The enemy had thrown out a detachment of sharp-shooters, who had entered the wood, and approached the breastwork. A battalion of the English Volunteers was ordered up. As they marched eagerly forwards, a body of Piedmontese, stationed a little from the road, shouted, "Vivano gl' Inglesi!

Vivano gl' Inglesi!" At the breastworks where we are standing, the word was given to break ranks, and skirmish. Instantly they sprang over the wall, and took position behind the trees, to shoot "wherever they saw a head."

One-two-three; one-two-three gl Stop! Mr. Penrod Schofield, this dancing class is provided by the kind parents of the pupilses as much to learn the mannerss of good societies as to dance. You think you shall ever see a gentleman in good societies to tickle his partner in the dance till she say Ouch? Never! I assure you it is not done. Again! Now then! Piano, please!