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She found her foreman sitting on the steps waiting for her, but he got up as soon as he heard the fall of her light footsteps behind him. "You sent for me, ma'am?" he asked, hat in hand. "Yes; I want you to drive into Gimlet Butte and bring back a person whom you'll find at the Elk House waiting for you. I had rather you would go yourself, because I know you're reliable." "Thank you, ma'am.

Winkle, with his face and hands blue with the cold, had been forcing a gimlet into the sole of his feet, and putting his skates on, with the points behind, and getting the straps into a very complicated and entangled state, with the assistance of Mr. Snodgrass, who knew rather less about skates than a Hindoo. At length, however, with the assistance of Mr.

And these boards of ours pass into our next most important possession, which is our box of bricks. At about every four inches is a hole, a little larger than an ordinary gimlet hole. This, again, wasn't a toy-shop acquisition.

"Dear, good Master Owl, permit me to live and I will give you something which is worth many dinners, something that men-creatures value very highly, and which with great labor and pain I brought away from one of their dens." "Umph!" grumbled the Owl. "Let us see what it is." The Rat crawled timidly out of his hole with the peace-offering; and what do you think it was? Why, a gimlet!

He had not half repaid Winifred Child for her rudeness with his coldness, yet no sooner was he in the huge gray automobile which could comfortably have seated eight instead of six than he felt a pang of remorse, exactly like a gimlet twisting through his heart from top to bottom. "I oughtn't to have left her like that!" he reproached himself.

He fixed her with a hostile glare and at her he aimed a blunt gimlet of a forefinger. "Are you quite sure you are entirely sane yourself?" "I trust I am fairly normal." "Got any little funny quirks in your brain? Any little temperamental crotchets in which you differ from the run of people round you? Think now!" "Well," she confessed, "I don't like cats I hate cats.

She asked Willy to lend her a gimlet, that she might bore holes at the sides of my feet, and glue the ribbon into them, so as not to show the glue. Willy said she was welcome to the gimlet, but that he advised her to leave it alone, for that she would only break my feet. But Rose would not be dissuaded, and began boring.

You can't fool me. You see a man about half shabby, with an eye like a gimlet, smoking cut plug, with dandruff on his coat collar, and knowing more than J. P. Morgan and Shakespeare put together if that ain't a reporter I never saw one. I was afraid of this.

She none the less presently said to her aunt that he had been very kind to Ralph; she had seen something of that in Rome. "He has something else to think of now," Mrs. Touchett returned. And she paused with a gaze like a gimlet. Isabel saw she meant something, and instantly guessed what she meant. But her reply concealed her guess; her heart beat faster and she wished to gain a moment.

Denny had a box of tools someone had given him for his last birthday; they were rather rotten little things, but the gimlet worked all right, so we managed to make holes in the edges of the tubs and fasten them with string under the four corners of the old door. This took us a long time.