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Well, will you come next Sunday?" "Certainly not on Sunday." The Gaffer had engaged him as footman: his livery would be ready by Saturday, and he would enter service on Monday week. This reminded them that henceforth they would see each other every day, and, speaking of the pain it would give his mother when he came running downstairs to go out with the carriage, he said

"It disna matter," replied Andrew, "I dinna care though they had thousan's. What I don't like is this 'ye'll-no'-do-this-an'-ye'll-no'-do-that' sort o' thing. What the hell right has ony gaffer wi' what a man does? It's a' one to him what I do. I'm nae slave, an' forby, I dinna believe they are weel-aff. They maun be hard up."

"Ah!" said the old man, nodding his head again, "to be sure, I've noticed, Simon, as 'tis generally about the twentieth o' the month as Jarge gets 'took." "'E 've got a wonderful 'ead, 'ave the Gaffer!" said Simon, turning to me. "Yes," said I, "but who is Black George; how comes he to be 'taken, and by what?" "Gaffer," said the Innkeeper, "you tell un." "No nor Wheer!" added the Innkeeper.

"Lad, lad," quoth he, "hold not the string so long! Have I not often told thee what Gaffer Swanthold sayeth, that 'overcaution spilleth the milk'?" To this Will Scarlet took heed, so the next arrow he shot lodged fairly in the center ring; again he shot, and again he smote the center; but, for all that, stout Hubert had outshot him, and showed the better target.

Devil a drop have you left in the great kilderkin. It was time for you to go." "If your cask is leer, I warrant your purse is full, gaffer," shouted Hordle John. "See that you lay in good store of the best for our home-coming." "See that you keep your throat whole for the drinking of it archer," cried a voice, and the crowd laughed at the rough pleasantry.

'Ne'er buy a horse, good friend, without first looking into its mouth, as our good gaffer Swanthold says. And so, once more, fare thee well." Then he clapped his hand to the horse's back, and off went nag and Sheriff through the forest glades.

It appeared as if he had scarcely had a moment's time to touch the rope or look over the stern, when he came scrambling back, as pale as the morning, and gasped out: 'By the Lord, he's done me! 'What do you mean? they all demanded. He pointed behind him at the boat, and gasped to that degree that he dropped upon the stones to get his breath. 'Gaffer's done me. It's Gaffer!

Now and then he shook his head, went to the door to see if his master was coming, and shook it again. A friend came up. 'Why did the gaffer muck up the race? he asked. 'Why, asked Vessons, with a far-off gaze, 'did 'Im as made the 'orld put women in? Outside things were going more to his liking than he knew. 'What's the good of keeping on, Mr. Reddin? I told 'ee I was promised to Ed'ard.

However, the devil has lifted him in time, for a Constable of the Hundred came hither this morning to get old Gaffer Pinniewinks, the trier of witches, to go with him to the Vale of Whitehorse to comprehend Wayland Smith, and put him to his probation. I helped Pinniewinks to sharpen his pincers and his poking-awl, and I saw the warrant from Justice Blindas."

I think that often and I know that Betty agrees with me the boy invents all kinds of fantastic tales in order to impress the people about him." "As far as I can make out," said Radmore slowly, "he's always told me the truth." "I'll tell you something curious that happened let me see, about seven years ago. You remember an old man we used to call Gaffer John?