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Mentioning them unfort'net words of mine respecting Gaffer, it is contrairily to be bore in mind that Gaffer always were a precious rascal, and that his line were a thieving line. Besides which, I think the wine of them two Governors was I will not say a hocussed wine, but fur from a wine as was elthy for the mind. And there's another thing to be remembered, Captain.

But nigh on two years later, Master Robert was born, as fine and lusty and straight-limbed as a chrisom could be, while the other could not walk a step, but sat himself about on the floor, a-moaning and a-fretting with the legs of him for all the world like the drumsticks of a fowl, and his hands like claws, and his face wizened up like an old gaffer of a hundred, or the jackanapes that Martin Boats'n brought from Barbary.

"I was not seven years old when he went to the wars if so be he lived through the battle and he reeked little of me, being but a maid. I feared him greatly and so did my mother. 'Twas happier with only Gaffer! Where saidst thou he was gone?" Ambrose could not tell, but he undertook to bring Stephen to answer all queries on the subject.

How oft, O Gaffer Grim, my ruin hast thou sought! But unrelenting bale is fallen on thee this day. Thou fellst into a pit, wherein there's none may fall Except the blasts of death blow on him for a prey. Then he abode alone in the vineyard, secure and fearing no hurt.

"Whither away, so late?" said the barber, whom they passed seated with his starveling boys round a mess of stockfish and parsnips, in the shop below. "If I were to tell you, Gaffer," said the dame, with most contemptuous coolness, "I do not think you could do my errand, so I will e'en keep it to myself."

He lunched at an inn at Fresselines and was on the point of leaving when he saw Gaffer Charel arrive and cross the square, wheeling his little knife-grinding barrow before him. He at once followed him at a good distance. The old man made two interminable waits, during which he ground dozens of knives.

The Gaffer and his race-horses, the Saint and her greenhouse so went the stream of life at Woodview. What few visitors came were entertained by Miss Mary in the drawing-room or on the tennis lawn. Mrs. Barfield saw no one.

I'll bring you some tobacco in the morning, if you like. My father's just got a new lot down from London." "Thanks, thank'ee kindly," said the Gaffer, overjoyed at the prospect.

When the pantry door was shut, and the men had smoked some moments in silence, William said "Do you think he has any chance of winning the Chesterfield Cup?" "He'll win in a canter if he'll only run straight. If I was the Gaffer I think I'd put up a bigger boy. He'll 'ave to carry a seven-pound penalty, and Johnnie Scott could ride that weight."

"That's true that's the way their cars are painted, and they have five or six of them," said Jack. "Yes. And he come in the car from Lunnon before he went there and then he come out here. He saw you and t'other young lad from Lunnon go by, maister, on your bicycles. He was watching you from the shop as ever was." "Thank you, Gaffer," said Jack, gravely. "You've told us just what we wanted to know.