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He stared at me for a moment, utterly aghast; the picture of defeat. Then on a sudden I saw his face lighten with, a new idea. 'It is a d d ruse! he shouted, brandishing his pistol like a madman. 'It is a cheat and a fraud! By God! you have no commission! I see through it! I see through it all! You have come here, and you have hocussed us!

They gave Joe Basalt a good stiff tumbler of grog and where is the sailor who could resist that? and oh, wickedness! the grog was hocussed. In plainer language, that means drugged. Not very long after drinking their healths in a bumper, old Joe felt drowsy, and he fell asleep.

The Professor's Legend of the Olive-leaf and the Dove, "A wery tidy little Story." The Story of Samson as given by a Gipsy. The great Prize-fighter who was hocussed by a Fancy Girl. The Judgment Day. Passing away in Sleep or Dream to God. A Gipsy on Ghosts. Dogs which can kill Ghosts. Twisted- legged Stealing. How to keep Dogs away from a Place. Gipsies avoid Unions.

"The lump of stuff you left here hocussed one it was a toss-up luck was on my side that one carried them slept like death long while hunting found them under his pillow at last." "Well done! and we fools were always beat at it. Sixty one two five seven. Seven thousand pounds." "Seven thousand pounds! Who would have thought it? This is a dear job to me."

"I'll tell ye who I am," said he; "if you an' me is to go in for this job, as true pals, let's have no secrets between us, an' bear no malice. They call me 'Gentleman Jim, Mr. Ryfe, that's what they call me. I'm the man as hocussed you that there arternoon, down Westminster way. I was set on to that job, I was. Set on by her. I squeezed hard, I know. All in the way o' business.

"We don't happen to want anything ourselves." "Sorry for it," said the doctor. "I have some of the best old Madeira in England." "Like enough," retorted the officer sarcastically. "But you see we are not quite such fools as we look; and we have heard of such a thing, in our time, as hocussed wine." "O fie! fie!" exclaimed the doctor merrily.

"Tell me the truth, my good girl," said he, "and I'll forgive you all your share. More, I'll stick by you through thick and thin." She whimpered a little, affected by the kindness of his tone, but tugging harder at her shawl, proceeded to further confessions. "You was hocussed, Master Tom; and I can point out to you the man as did it. You'd 'a been murdered amongst 'em if it hadn't been for me.

He never heard any noise, but avers that, in prison, he was alarmed by the town clock striking, on the first morning, though Feuerbach says that he did not hear the bells for several days. The animal said that he had sat on the ground, and never seen daylight, till he came to Nuremberg. He used to be hocussed with water of an evil taste, and wake in a clean shirt.

"And give me a drink," I said, "for my tongue's like a stick." He mixed me a pannikin of rum and water. Perhaps he hocussed it, or maybe 'twas only the effect of spirits on a weary body; but three minutes after I had drunk I was in a heavy sleep.

To be sure, he fainted from utter weakness at the door. Of that he is satisfied, for he remembers nothing between the jolting of those slippery cushions and another bed in which he found himself, with a grave doctor watching over him, and which he recognised, doubtfully, as his own. Gradually, with returning strength, Tom began to suspect the truth that he had been hocussed and robbed.