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But nigh on two years later, Master Robert was born, as fine and lusty and straight-limbed as a chrisom could be, while the other could not walk a step, but sat himself about on the floor, a-moaning and a-fretting with the legs of him for all the world like the drumsticks of a fowl, and his hands like claws, and his face wizened up like an old gaffer of a hundred, or the jackanapes that Martin Boats'n brought from Barbary.

The best of us can but take steps, and when we has taken the steps that Providence seems to indicate, there's no use a-fretting ourselves into our graves. Folks are coming to Madersley now from the length and breadth of England, being such a pretty and such a favorite seaside resort. Let's go to the circus this afternoon, Miss Iris, and see what is to be seen."

Corbet might be a little bit right, though I'm sure he was a great deal wrong." "But you'll not go on a-fretting you won't now, there's a good young lady for master won't like it, and it'll make him uneasy, and he's enough of trouble without your red eyes, bless them." "Trouble papa, trouble!

"What's a-fretting you?" "Do you know who he is?" she asked. Waddles wagged a negative head. "He's Calvin Harris," she stated. Instead of the blank dismay which she had expected to see depicted on Waddles's face at this announcement, it seemed to her that the big man was pleased. "The hell!" he said. "'Scuse me, Billie. So this here is Cal! Well, well now what do you think of that?"

"Well," said his wife, soothingly, "you must go your own way; only, if you keep a-fretting of that fashion, you'll not be able to do your work gradely, and then we shall all have to starve, and that'll be worse for you still." "Better starve," replied her husband moodily, "nor ruin body and soul with the drink; I'll have no more of it."

"Ah, my boy!" he exclaimed, "this is a good sight for my old eyes. Here have I been a-fretting and a-worrying myself for the last three months, and cussing my hard luck that I was not with you in that affair on King's Mountain. At first, when I heard of it, I says to myself, 'The young un got out of it somehow.

"She'll do for the present," said the kitchen-maid, leaning back and mopping a little moisture from her own brow. "She'll do for a time, but she won't do for long, for she'll want milk and all kinds of comforts. And I tell you what it is, Miss Flower, that my master and Miss Polly can't be kept a-fretting for this child until the morning.