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Oh! how that baste did kick up its heels, to be sure! and the apples and oranges they was flyin' like Well, well the long and the short was, that I wint an' towld the colonel I couldn't stop no longer in such a regiment. So I guv it up an' comed out here." "And became a fur-trader," said Jack Robinson, with a smile.

In 1864, a Christian Tsimshean, travelling up the river as a fur-trader, told the Indians he met with of the Saviour he had himself found, and on his return to the coast seven young men of the Nishkah tribe accompanied him, that they might visit Metlakahtla and hear the Missionary for themselves. They stayed there for a few days, listening eagerly to Mr. Duncan's instructions.

At this period the Indian and the fur-trader wrap themselves in warm dresses of deer-skin, lined with the thickest flannel, and spend their short days in trapping and shooting. At night the Indian piles logs on his fire to keep out the frost, and adds to the warmth of his skin-tent by heaping snow up the outside of it all round.

In doing so his vision, passing over the shoulders of his enemy, encountered the bright face and astonished gaze of Flora McLeod, who had just come to let her father and brothers know that their evening meal awaited them. Reginald Redding was struck dumb. Glancing round to see what had fascinated the gaze of the fur-trader, McLeod turned with a smile, and said: "My daughter Flora, Mister ah!

Some of the Indians who chanced to be in the hall were startled, and rose on hearing this. "Be not alarmed, friends," said the fur-trader. "You are the guests of Christian men. We will not punish you for the deeds of another man of your tribe." "How does the white man know that this was done by Darkeye?" asked a chief haughtily.

In half an hour the stars twinkled down on the still, cold scene, and threw a pale light on the now silent dwelling of the old fur-trader.

But the trip was attended with serious mishap to his army, for Lieutenant Roulette, of the British sloop Hunter a brother of the famous fur-trader in a small batteau, with only six men, captured the United States packet Cayuga, with a detachment of five officers and thirty-three soldiers, as she was coming up the river.

"I wanta tell you he double-crossed you for fair, C.N. He's got a heluva nerve to come back here after playin' in with the police the way he done up there." "I've heard something about that," the fur-trader admitted cautiously. "You told me Tom an' you didn't exactly gee." "He'll never drive another bull-team for me again." West tacked to his pronouncement a curdling oath.

We have spoken of Frank's dog; but were we to let the matter drop here, it would be slighting an animal which had played a somewhat important part in the history of Frank's life in California. His name was Marmion, and he had been presented to Frank by Captain Porter an old fur-trader, who lived a few miles distant from the rancho, and with whom the cousins were great favorites.

It does good to a man to see an old friend like you turn up so unexpectedly. Happy, also, to meet with you, Mr Heywood. It's a pleasure I don't often have, to meet with a white stranger in this wilderness. Pray, come with me to the house." The fur-trader turned to the Indians, and, saying a few words to them in their own language, led the way to his residence.