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"Das true, massa, but you di'n't promise to wait for him for eber an' eber!" "Not quite; but of course I meant that I would wait a reasonable time." The negro appeared to meditate for some moments on the extent of a "reasonable" time, for his huge eyes became huger as he gazed frowningly at the ground. Then he spoke.

Each declared that he would "rather die than be talked to death"; and then, as the two approached a point bluntly recriminative, Whitey coughed again, whereupon they were miraculously silent, and went into the passageway in a perfectly amiable manner. "I got to have a good look at him, for once," Penrod said, as he stared frowningly at Whitey. "We got to fix up about that reward."

Then he said abruptly: "Where is Mrs. Quinton!" "She has gone up to her room," said the doctor. "That is her shadow on the blind." Father Brown looked up, and frowningly scrutinised a dark outline at the gas-lit window. "Yes," he said, "that is her shadow," and he walked a yard or two and threw himself upon a garden seat.

In the next place the coughing and the bleeding! he laughed so long and loudly at these points in the story that Halsey's still black bushy eyebrows met frowningly over a pair of angry eyes, and Betts tried hurriedly to tame the young man's mirth. "Well, if yer don't think that man as Halsey saw was the ghost, what do you s'pose 'ee was doin' there?" asked Betts, "and where did he go?

You are good, brave and generous the best of men; there is only one thing I wish sometimes " Here she paused, and her brow knitted itself frowningly, while a puzzled, pained expression came into her eyes. "And that one thing is?" I inquired. "That you did not remind me so often of Fabio," she said, abruptly and half angrily. "Not when you speak of him, I do not mean that.

"Trevison's my friend," grinned Levins coldly as he got to his feet. "There's nothin' doin' there understand? Get it out of your brain-box, for if anything happens to 'Firebrand, I'll perforate you sure as hell!" He stalked out of the office, leaving Corrigan looking after him, frowningly.

"Know what it is, I suppose?" continued Morgan, who kept on talking in an excited way, as if to gain time while he tried to think out some plan, as was really the case; but the audience merely looked on frowningly, and I saw the chief draw back slightly as Morgan picked up the head and pointed to its fangs with his finger.

"Welcome among us, your excellency," he said to him; "you heard what the count just said, and also my reply; let me add that I would not for the four thousand piastres at which I had fixed your friend's ransom, that this had happened." "But," said Franz, looking round him uneasily, "where is the Viscount? I do not see him." "Nothing has happened to him, I hope," said the count frowningly.

Don't you agree with me? Or perhaps you didn't know him very well, and don't feel qualified to judge." At this point he pulled out his programme and studied it frowningly. He was plainly not paying much attention to her reply. He seemed to be contemplating something that worried him. It made it all the easier for her to answer. "No," she said slowly. "I didn't know him very well.

Entirely recovered after her nervous collapse, as brisk as ever in her crisp linen gown, she was signing the cheques that Margaret handed her, frowningly busy and absorbed with her accounts. Now she leaned back in her chair, glanced at the watch at her wrist, and relaxed the cramped muscles of her body. "That's exactly it, Rose," said she to Mrs. Crawford. "Life is more complicated.