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Updated: August 9, 2024

Footsteps came along the upper hall and began to descend the stairs. Presently Davenant could be heard saying: "Then I shall tell Harrington that they may as well foreclose at one time as another." "Just as well." Guion's reply came from the direction of his bedroom door. "I see nothing to be gained by waiting. The sooner it's over the sooner to sleep, what?"

He had never got over that deadly builder, with his horrid percentage coming out of the precarious rents; twice, indeed, had writs been out against him for his arrears, and once he had received notice from Mr. Hyacinth Keegan, the oily attorney of Carrick, that Mr. Flannelly meant to foreclose.

I'll go with ye that far, an' ye c'n deed me th' prop'ty before a notary, so's I won't be obliged to foreclose. Then I'll come back an' pay yer bill at Bixler's, an' ye'll have one hundred dollars to take ye down to Frisco. Will ye be at th' store at half past nine?" A wait, then a short nod.

Burr's father had died some time before. Lot was rumored to be harder, in the matter of exacting heavy interest, than his father had been. It was said that Burr was far behind in his payments, and that Lot would foreclose. Burr had a better head than his father's, but he had terrible odds against him. There was only one chance for his release from difficulty, people thought.

It cannot, therefore, be held sufficient to foreclose the question respecting the existence of a living, personal God, distinct from Nature and independent of it; nor can Pantheism, in this form, become the successful rival of Christian Theism, until the human mind has lost the power of discriminating between the different kinds of evidence to which they respectively appeal.

These words are used as an excuse for a great many mean acts. At supper time, the evening before, Sterling Grant looked sad and troubled. "Wife," he said, "I am afraid we shall have to bid good-by to the old farm to-morrow." "Do you really think the squire will foreclose, Sterling?" "I know he will.

He is evidently trying to prevent me getting possession, and I know that old Nicholas Rawdon would give his eyelids to own Rawdon Court. As to the Judge " "My son wants none of it. You can make your mind easy on that score." "I think I behaved very decently, though, of course, no one gives me credit for it; for as soon as I saw I must foreclose in order to get my own I thought at once of Ethel.

A little before twelve o'clock on the following day, Squire Carter rang the bell at the farmhouse door. He was dressed with scrupulous neatness, and there was a smile of triumphant anticipation on his face. Andy answered the bell. "Walk in, squire," he said. "Ha! So you are home, Andy?" "Yes, sir." "Ahem! Your father has been unfortunate." "Then you intend to foreclose?"

"What are you going to do with the gold, Stumpy?" asked Mr. Hamilton. "Hand it over to my mother. Squire Moses is going to foreclose the mortgage on the house we live in right off. I want to head him off on that before night." "But gold, you know, is worth a large premium just now. I saw by my paper which came to-day that it was 208 in New York," continued the merchant.

Battles are never won by valorous fools who get themselves killed in a spectacular manner." "I see. You plan to attempt the sale of your equity in the ranch before my father can finally foreclose on you." "No, that would be the least profitable course to pursue. A hundred-thousand-acre ranch is not sold in a hurry unless offered at a tremendous sacrifice. Even then it is of slow sale.

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