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Updated: August 24, 2024

"I am afraid we couldn't stand a very long siege ourselves," suddenly remarked the chief commissary of the expedition, who was one of the members of the flagship's company. "What do you mean by that?" asked Mr. Edison sharply, turning to him. "Well, sir, you see," said the commissary, stammering, "our provisions wouldn't hold out." "Wouldn't hold out?" exclaimed Mr.

Her own side being still turned towards the British, as she waited, the report was taken by the flagship's men below decks to be the signal for opening fire, and her whole broadside was discharged. This example was followed by the other ships, so that the engagement, instead of being close, was begun at half cannon-shot.

Admiral Bentley was greatly interested in the recital that followed. In due time the flagship's shore boat carried the three to land again. With fingers that shook Jacob Farnum penned a most exultant telegram to Grace Desmond. That sent, they engaged a boatman to put them aboard the "Pollard." It was now the turn of Hal Hastings and Eph Somers to share in the excitement and the joy.

At length, when everything that could be carried in the air-ships had been taken out of the steamer, she was towed out into deep water, and then a shot from one of the flagship's broadside guns sent her to the bottom of the sea, so severing the last link which had connected the now isolated band of revolutionists with the world on which they were ere long to declare war.

A "Funny-party" in the stern, composed of a clown, a nigger and a stout seaman in female attire, added their exhortations to the "Chief Buffer's" impassioned utterances. But the Flagship's galley, pulling eight oars, with the coxswain perched hazardously out over the stern, won the three-mile tussle, and won it well.

The First Lieutenant came quickly to the rescue. "Of course," he said, "that's all rot. We're only too grateful to to Science for trying to invent a new gadget.... Only, you see, sir, in the meanwhile, until you hit on it we feel we aren't doing so badly er just carrying on." The Flagship's Wardroom and the smoking-room beyond were packed to suffocation by a dense throng of officers.

There was then no night signal equivalent to the modern 'Disregard the flagship's movements. So Drake dowsed his stern light, went about, overhauled the strangers, and found they were bewildered German merchantmen. He had just gone about once more to resume his own station when suddenly a Spanish flagship loomed up beside his own flagship the Revenge.

When, therefore, within sixty seconds, the "Pollard" left the flagship's side, she was equipped for diving. A casual observer would have believed she was about to do so with some inspecting party of naval officers. As he sat in the conning tower Captain Jack steered the most direct course for the pier to which the supposed Miller had gone in the flagship's shore boat.

This being complied with, I requested an order for the speedy adjudication of the prize property surrendered at Maranham, the flagship's portion being Rs. 607.315 $000, or £.121,463 sterling, in addition to the captures made by the squadron generally no less than one hundred and twenty enemy's ships, with Portuguese registers and crews, having been taken, the value, at a very moderate computation, amounting to upwards of 2,000,000 dollars.

His heart gave a great thump at the sight, for he knew that he had had a narrow escape from death. The torpedo-boat was not carrying a spar- torpedo, but was towing the infernal machine, which she doubtless meant to drag under the flagship's bows. It was one of the newly invented Lay torpedoes, and a terrible weapon when effectively used.

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