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Updated: August 16, 2024

They both spoke like human beings to the scared waiter when he come back, and the lad left a five-spot on the tray when he paid his check. Some song, yes? "And all this flashed back on me when Nettie and I stood there watching this cute little banjo.

He fumbled in his pocket for a match and instead drew out a bank-note. "By George! here's a lonesome five-spot I didn't know I had! I believe I'll play it on the races and see what it'll do for me. Maybe it's a mascot." His momentary depression was gone, and he was eager to be off. But Nance stood between him and the door, and there was a dangerous light in her eyes.

"I can," said Ashton, tightening the thong of his sombrero down across the back of his head and buttoning his coat. "Roped this Rocket hawss for you because Mr. Knowles wants his mail by sundown," remarked Gowan. "He shore can travel some when he feels like it. Don't know as you'll need your spurs. Here's a five-spot Mr. Knowles said to hand you by way of advance.

He plunged into the crowd you know what a bunch of Russians, Hungarians, and Polish Jews get together in East Broadway about ten-thirty so I rushed to the second cab, swapped coats and hats again, gave the taxi-man the five-spot, and put him in charge of his own cab.

"Lemme in quick or you lose a five-spot. Bleeding bad want to wash up " The spring lock clicked softly. Before Sam knew what had happened, The Spider was in the lavatory and between him and the door to the main room. "Get going," said The Spider. The amazed negro backed away from that eloquent menace in The Spider's right hand. "M-m-m-misto misto Captain Ah ain't done nuffin!"

"Whoever wins can be hitting the trail for God's country this time tomorrow morning!" He picked up the box, briskly rattling the dice. "What'll it be?" "Straight poker dice," Hutchinson answered. "Go on and roll them out." Pentfield swept the dishes from the table with a crash and rolled out the five dice. Both looked tragedy. The shake was without a pair and five-spot high. "A stiff!"

Alice sat well back from the fire as the three men poured their coffee and helped themselves to the food. "Ain't you goin' to join us in this here repast?" asked Tex, with a smile. "I have eaten, thank you." "You're welcome like eight dollars change for a five-spot." In vain Endicott signalled the cowboy to keep silent. "Shove over, Win, you're proddin' me in the ribs with your elbow!

"Coelum non animum mutat, which, in good American, means that it is the same old city on the level, and only changes its sky-line," he chortled. "Bet you a five-spot to a nickel I'll walk blindfolded along Twenty-third Street from the Hoboken Ferry any time of the day, and take the correct turn into Broadway, bar being run over by a taxi or street-car at the crossings."

"Heard you had a fortune left to you," went on Pepper, with a wink at his chums. "Old uncle died and left you half a million." "Three-quarters of a million," put in Andy Snow, scenting fun. "All in gold, too." "Isn't that fine!" said Jack. "Peleg, how about lending me ten or fifteen dollars?" "I could use a five-spot myself," added Dale.

"Double as much as you blamed please, so long's you put your money down," answered the "banker" defiantly. "Well, then, here goes a dollar on that five-spot," said Shorty, "skinning" a bill from a considerable roll. "Don't allow more'n 25 cents bet on single cards, first bet," said the "banker," dismayed by the size of the roll. "Thought you had some sand," remarked Shorty contemptuously.

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