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"I went on up Fifth Avenue, according to sailing orders, and the guy inside stopped me at Sixty-seventh Street. He got out and gimme a five-spot, telling me to go a few blocks, then turn and bring the lady back to the Sixth Avenue 'L' at Fifty-eighth Street. I done it. That's all. She went up the steps, and that's the last I seen of her." "Did she carry a small gripsack?" "Yep.

"M-m-m-m," says he, shakin' his head. "Ah, come!" says I. "You don't mean that a real sure-fire like you could be shunted that way? There'd be no harm in your givin' a guess, and if it was right well, we could run that birthday stake up five more; couldn't we, Mr. Ellins?" Old Hickory nods, and passes me a five-spot prompt. "Well?" says I, wavin' it careless.

Now, Hooker, can you slip me a five-spot when we get to the camps?" "I haven't much more than that, Playmate," Hiram averred. "Well, you got a job, ain't you? I haven't. Money didn't seem to worry you much when you were puttin' on your Follies o' Nineteen-twenty with Lucy, up there where the white lights gleam." "What are you going to do with it?" asked Hiram. "This is your foolish day, ain't it?

Glad you had presence of mind enough to go on through with the five-spot. It's fine business to be able to think on your feet, especially for us moon-minions. Good thing it turned out the way it did. He's got perfect confidence in me now he's seen me tried, and knows I'm straight. We'll get more out of him in the long run." He explained Steve's mining expectations at length.

Anyway, that five-spot kept her mind busy. Our remarks to Ralph were short but meaty. "You see the bally muss you got me into, I hope," says Tidman. "And just remember," I adds, "when the fit strikes you to call again, that Mrs. Flynn is always on hand." "She's a female hyena, that woman," says Cousin Ralph, rubbin' his back between groans.

Also a five-spot to pay you in advance for the inconvenience I am subjecting you to." The janitor's face became normal at once. He accepted the cigar and the five-dollar piece, seated himself on an upturned bucket and set himself patiently to await the moment of his liberation. He sat there grinning and blowing smoke at Bob McGraw.

The spots remained obstinately down. "Four dollars on the deuce; four dollars on the five," said Shorty. No better luck. "Eight dollars on the deuce; eight dollars on the five," said Shorty. "Whew, there goes more'n a month's pay," said the other players, stopping to watch the dice as they rolled out, with the deuce and five-spot down somewhere else than on top.

"Oh, we'll hold him, all right!" growled the other detective, whose right arm dangled limp, where the chair had struck him. "The of a ! He'll go up for a finif, a five-spot, or I'm a liar! And once we get him behind bars, good-night!" He deliberately drew back his heavy boot and kicked Gabriel full in the face. "You !" he cursed. "Try to bean me, will you? Damn you!

Andy, breathless, for he had an ace down, saw a three and a two fall took the long chance, and, with the luck behind him, watched a five-spot flutter down to join his draw. Yet Larry, taking the same draw, was not busted. He had a pair of deuces and a four. There he stuck, and it stood to reason that he could not win.

"Oh, don't get crackly just because you're a Buffalo bill," says the fiver. "You'd be limp, too, if you'd been stuffed down in a thick cotton-and-lisle-thread under an elastic all day, and the thermometer not a degree under 85 in the store." "I never heard of a pocketbook like that," says I. "Who carried you?" "A shopgirl," says the five-spot. "What's that?" I had to ask.