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But this fellar's crazy. He hed the Injuns slashin' each other like a pack of wolves round a buck." "He's no more mad than you or I," declared Brandt. "I know all about him. His moaning in the woods, and wild yells are only tricks. He knows the Indian nature, and he makes their very superstition and religion aid him in his fighting. I told you what he'd do.

With that he turned to Bo, and, after studying her pretty face, he asked, in apparently severe tone, "Did you send a cowboy named Carmichael to ask me for a job?" Bo looked quite startled. "Carmichael! Why, Uncle, I never heard that name before," replied Bo, bewilderedly. "A-huh! Reckoned the young rascal was lyin'," said Auchincloss. "But I liked the fellar's looks an' so let him stay."

I call it plumb equal to tellin' you you're a reg'lar tomnoddy to say a fellar's uther 'clever' or 'good. I 'low little stutterin' Monty Sturtevant could ha' done the chores well enough till I get 'round again, an' I could ha' bossed him." Then, after a moment: "But I can't boss the deacon." "No, you poor old grumbler! I reckon he isn't that kind.

I'd like deuced well to have that Miss Margit now that's too highfalutin a name for me if Melindy were here she'd git it off in good style." Silence reigned for a moment; then Moses took up the thread of discourse. "When a fellar's gettin' spliced hisself he wants every one else to follow. Wal, it's no use a-sayin' it, but if Mr.

In fact, none of Greaves's outfit was packin' guns, at least in sight. When Bruce got all the way up he's a tall fellar why Isbel took a full swing at him an' knocked him back across the room ag'in' the counter. Y'u know when a fellar's hurt by the way he yells. Bruce got thet second smash right on his big red nose.... I never seen any one so quick as Isbel.

"D'you imagine we can pass him out after what's happened? So long as the fellar's above ground we ain't safe." "You can't mean " she had cried. "We're busy. Keep out of the path, kid." She had left them rattling instructions through the telephone to a person called Phillips. The need of the moment from their point of view was to waylay the returning Barraclough.

When he seen Isbel darn me if he didn't swell an' bustle all up like a mad ole turkey gobbler. "'Greaves, he said, 'if thet fellar's Jean Isbel I ain't hankerin' fer the company y'u keep. An' he made no bones of pointin' right at Isbel. Greaves looked up dry an' sour an' he bit out spiteful-like: 'Wal, Simm, we ain't hed a hell of a lot of choice in this heah matter.

Miss Helen said there shore wasn't any joke about the cut on your knee. Now, a fellar's knee is a bad place to hurt, if he has to keep on ridin'." "Oh, I'll be well soon. How's Sam? I hope he wasn't crippled." "Thet Sam why, he's so tough he never knowed he had a fall." "Tom I I want to thank you for giving Riggs what he deserved."

With a throng of canines crowding and fawning round him, and snapping at one another, it was difficult for the rancher to draw the two particular ones apart so they could be looked over. At length he succeeded, and Wade drove back the rest of the pack. "The big fellar's Sampson an' the other's Jim," said Belllounds.