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"Good-night, my son"; and he went downstairs with the others. "Colonel, you asleep?" the Boy asked softly. "No." He struggled in silence with his mucklucks. Presently, "Isn't it frightfully strange," he mused aloud. "Doesn't it pull a fella up by the roots, somehow, to see Americans on this old track?" The Colonel had the bedclothes drawn up to his eyes.

But seein' you asked me, you can do a whole lot if Lorry was to say anything to you about goin'. And you know how better'n I can tell you or your daddy or anybody." "But Lorry must do as he thinks best. We we are not engaged." "'Course. And it ain't no time for a young fella to get engaged to a gal and tie up her feelin's and march off with her heart in his pocket.

He was in the main cabin, checking off the list of goods being landed in the whaleboats, when Koho limped down the com-panionway and took a seat opposite him at the table. "Close up me die along altogether," was the burden of the old chief's plaint. All the delights of the flesh had forsaken him. "Me no like 'm Mary. Me no like 'm kai-kai. Me too much sick fella. Me close up finish."

Braintop, said was after him. And I, smell'n at 't over 'n Ireland a raw garl I was I just thought 'm a prince, the little sly fella! And oh! I'm a beggar, I am!" With which, she shouted in the street, and put Braintop to such confusion that he hailed a cab recklessly, declaring to her she had no time to lose, if she wished to catch the train. Mrs.

He had gone back to Tudor, and hidden with him for a week, living on wild fruits and the few pigeons and cockatoos he had been able to shoot with bow and arrow. Then he had journeyed down to Berande to bring the news. Tudor, he said, was very sick, lying unconscious for days at a time, and, when in his right mind, too weak to help himself. "What name you no kill 'm that big fella marster?"

Well, I'd like a tombstone the same as that fella from New Zealand, if I could win it as fair, and see as far." Stafford raised his head with a smile of admiration. "Like the ancients, like the Oriental Emperors to-day, he left his message. An Alexander, with not one world conquered." "I'm none so sure of that," was Barry's response.

What can we do for you?" she asked pleasantly. "You cain't do nothin' for me," drawled the man. "Go on away, Miss. I want to see this little fella'. I got a little business with him." "He is a foreigner he knows little of our language. You will do best to let me stay," said Shirley.

He was with his inamorata, the "Linda Rosa" of his dreams. At the gateway he turned to her. "I'm comin' over to see your folks soon as I git things to runnin' on me ranch. Keeps a fella busy, but I'm sure comin'. I ain't got posies to growin' yet, but I'm goin' to have some like them," and he indicated the bud which she held. "You like it?" she queried.

He wondered who would stop him if he were to walk out of the hospital that evening or the next morning, and leave town. He got up and strode nervously back and forth, fighting a recurrent temptation to make his escape. He happened to glance in the mirror above the washstand. "That's the only fella that kin stop me," he told himself.

And when all was over, quoth Bashti to his people: "Thus shall all women fight when they desire over much to fight." Only he did not say it in this way. Nor did he say it in the Somo tongue. What he did say was in beche-de-mer, and his words were: "Any fella Mary he like 'm fight, all fella Mary along Somo fight 'm this fella way."