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In regard to the culture of the general crops, they require very little, except occasional thinning, where they are too thick, when the plants are come into the rough leaf, either by hoeing or drawing them out by hand: though for large quantities, small hoeing is the most expeditious mode of thinning, as well as most beneficial to the crop by loosening the ground; in either method thinning the plants to about two or three inches distance, clearing out the weakest, and leaving the strongest to form the crop.

When this new ground was prepared, my father surrounded it with a hurdle of reeds, and then transported our cottage thither. This manner of removing from one place to another is very expeditious; in less than three days we were fairly seated in our new abode. However, as we had not time to carry away our poultry, we left them upon the hill till the place we had appropriated for them was completed.

It is clear that the administration is endeavoring to render traveling safe throughout the country, and if they would only render it comfortable and expeditious at the same time, the reform would commend itself to universal approval. Punctuality is not a Spanish word, being neither practiced nor understood from Malaga to Burgos.

"When does M. d'Epinay return?" "We expect him every moment." "It is well. As soon as he arrives inform me. We must be expeditious. And then I also wish to see a notary, that I may be assured that all our property returns to Valentine." "Ah, grandmamma," murmured Valentine, pressing her lips on the burning brow, "do you wish to kill me?

From the prison at Padua. Your most faithful, and Most humble servant, These letters were sent away by special messengers, who had orders to be as expeditious as possible in the delivery of them.

On looking at the prospectus now, it is curious to note that, while the advantages anticipated from the carriage of merchandise were strongly insisted upon, the conveyance of passengerswhich proved to be the chief source of profitwas only very cautiously referred to. “As a cheap and expeditious means of conveyance for travellers,” says the prospectus in conclusion, “the railway holds out the fair prospect of a public accommodation, the magnitude and importance of which cannot be immediately ascertained.” The estimated expense of forming the line was set down at £400,000,—a sum which was eventually found quite inadequate.

Monsieur Riel had been all this while pacing up and down his room. A tap came upon his door. "Entrez. Ah, it is you, mon adjutant!" "Oui, mon president." "What tidings?" "C'est accompli. The court-martial has found the prisoner guilty; and he is condemned to be shot at one o'clock this day." "Monsieur is expeditious! Monsieur is zealous. C'est bon, c'est bon; merci, Monsieur."

They were now all ready for a fresh start, and Ponto, having pocketed his objurgation, dashed forward again up the rising ground over which the covey had dropped. Jog's thick wind was a serious impediment to the expeditious mounting of the hill, and the dog seemed aware of his infirmity, and to take pleasure in aggravating him.

Mona was very glad to learn this, for she was sure that she should hear from Ray and receive the piece of dress goods; her only fear was that the Waltons might not remain at the hotel long enough for her to find an opportunity to fit the piece into the rent, to ascertain if it belonged there. The earnestly desired letter reached her the next evening. Ray had been very expeditious.

This Tribunal met in London on September 3, under the Presidency of Lord Alverstone. The proceedings were expeditious, and marked by a friendly and conscientious spirit. The respective cases, counter cases, and arguments presented the issues clearly and fully.