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"She ate her grub last night and this morning middlin' well, miss," said Patsey, "and" here he looked round stealthily and began to whisper "when I had her in the ring, exercisin', this morning, there was one that called me in to the rails; like a dealer he was. 'Hi! grey mare! says he. I went in. 'What's your price? says he.

"Woman!" said Mr. McCaskey, dashing his coat and hat upon a chair, "the noise of ye is an insult to me appetite. When ye run down politeness ye take the mortar from between the bricks of the foundations of society. 'Tis no more than exercisin' the acrimony of a gentleman when ye ask the dissent of ladies blockin' the way for steppin' between them.

Look at the thirty-six district leaders of Tammany Hall today. How many of them travel on their tongues? Maybe one or two, and they don't count when business is doin' at Tammany Hall. The men who rule have practiced keepin' their tongues still, not exercisin' them. So you want to drop the orator idea unless you mean to go into politics just to perform the skyrocket act.

As the afternoon was stretching toward evening, Scattergood sauntered into Sheriff Ulysses Watts's barn. "Who's feedin' and waterin' Asa Levens's stock?" he asked. "Dummed if I didn't clean forgit 'em," confessed the sheriff. "Any objection if I look after 'em, Sheriff? Any logical objection? Hoss might need exercisin'. Can't never tell. Want I should drive up and do what's needed to be done?"

An' as for exercisin' of 'em all every day, like the books say well, 'ow's one pair of 'ands to do it, let alone legs, and you in another line of business and not able to give yer time to 'em?" "I wish we had a bigger place, too," said Dickie; "we could afford one now. Not but what I should be sorry to leave the old place, too. We've 'ad some good times here in our time, farver, ain't us?"

He tried to say Miss Ann knew he was going to tell the girl of their kinship but her clear gaze confused him. "Well, well, no'm, she didn't 'zactly tell me, but No'm, she don't even know I done come a' callin'. She jes' thinks I'm out a exercisin' of Puck an' Coopid. Them's the names er my hosses." "Perhaps she would not like your telling me this," persisted Judith.

In any event I will see that you have a good bungalow with plenty of shamrock on each side of your front path, and a fair income to keep you comfortable when the rheumatic days are upon you." "I am no over-feeder," said Katy proudly. "I'm daily exercisin' me muscles enough to kape them young. The rheumatism I'll not have. And nayther will I have the house nor the income.

"With the bear exercisin' us the way he did, we had to take our breakfast in a good many courses. That makes it so long drawn out that we gets mighty thirsty. The Injun asks me if the cups is in the grub bag. I puts me han' in an' feels, but they ain't there. Then I remembers that we left them down by the fire.

I stayed long enough to see him slump into an easy-chair, his under lip limp and a puzzled look in his eyes, like he was tryin' to figure out just what had hit him. And over by the fireplace is Ferdie, gawpin' at him foolish, and exercisin' his gears, I expect, on the same problem. Neither of them had said a word up to the time I left.

Tooting often the first. But one evening Mr. Tooting waited until the force had gone, and entered Austen's room with his hand outstretched. "Put her there, Aust," he said. Austen put her there. "I've been exercisin' my thinker some the last few months," observed Mr. Tooting, seating himself on the desk. "Aren't you afraid of nervous prostration, Ham?" "Say," exclaimed Mr.