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It's better for you than whiskey." Elkin, despite all his faults, was endowed with the shrewdness inseparable from his business, because no man devoid of brains ever yet throve as a horse-dealer. He smothered his rage, thinking he might learn more from this strange-mannered detective by seeming complaisance. "You're a bit rough on a fellow," he growled sulkily, pouring out the tea.

Tomlin meant to say something; Elkin, eying the stranger, and summing him up as a detective, answered brusquely: "The murder is bad enough, but the fat-headed police are worse. Three days gone, and nothing done!" "What murder are you discussing, may I ask?" put in Franklin. Peters turned on him with astonishment in every line of a peculiarly mobile face.

This was Mr. Elkin. "Good morning!" he said. "Have you seen the superintendent?" "What? Mr. Fowler? No. Is he here so early?" "I must have missed him." "Well, you'll hardly find him on Bush Walk," which was the name of the path. "You never can tell," came the dark answer. At any rate, the policeman elected to abandon his self-imposed vigil, and the two walked together into the village. "My!

Elkin completed in 1888 his share of the more immediate joint programme, which consisted in the determination, by direct measurement, of the average parallax of stars of the first magnitude. It came out, for the ten northern luminaries, after several revisions, 0·098", equivalent to a light-journey of thirty-three years. The deviations from this average were, indeed, exceedingly wide.

"MR. ELKIN Please place the contents of the nine cases sent herewith to the credit of the Greyle Estate. "PETER CHATFIELD, Agent." Amidst a chorus of exclamations Sir Cresswell asked a sharp question. "Is that really Chatfield's signature?" "Oh, undoubtedly!" replied Mr. Elkin. "Not a doubt of it. Of course, as soon as I saw it, I closely questioned the greengrocer. But he knew nothing.

But this represents only the angle subtended by the star's disk. To learn its linear diameter, we must know its distance. Four determinations of the parallax, which determines the distance, have been made. Elkin, with the Yale heliometer, obtained 0.032 of a second of arc. Schlesinger, from photographs taken with the 30-inch Allegheny refractor, derived 0.016.

"I assure you, on my honor, that the only reasonable suggestion I can make is that put forward by my gardener to-day," said Grant. "He thinks that the murder must have been committed by a lunatic. I can offer no other hypothesis." "Your gardener may be right. But what lunatic, barring yourself and the horse-coper, Elkin, is in love with Doris Martin?"

"He makes out, to put it mildly, that you are great friends." "You will oblige me by contradicting the statement. Or no. One treats that sort of man with contempt." "I agree with you most heartily. I'm sorry I ever mentioned him." Yet Doris was well aware that the chemist had dragged in Elkin by the scruff of the neck, probably for the sake of getting him disposed of thoroughly and for all time.

It is understood that this notable series, produced during the best period of the art, and at the very zenith of Smyth's fame, were acquired recently by a Sussex amateur at a low price. Bidding began at fifty guineas, and rose quickly to one hundred and twenty, at which figure Messrs. Carnioli and Bruschi became the owners. Elkin read the paragraph twice, until the words burnt into his brain.

"Ax me another," growled Bates. "Who is spreading this rumor? Robinson?" "'E dussen't, sir. 'E looks fierce, but 'e'll 'old 'is tongue. T'super will see to that." "Someone is talking. That is quite certain." "There's a chap in the 'Are an' 'Ounds kem 'ere last night." "Ingerman?" "Ay, sir, that's the name. 'E's makin' a song of it, I hear." "Anybody else?" "Fred Elkin is gassin' about.