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Two of them, Ingerman and Elkin, apparently make a hobby of enlightening strangers as to your right place in society." "I must interview Elkin." "Not worth while, my boy. Ingerman is the crafty one. I thought I might be doing you more harm than good, or I would have given him a thick ear this afternoon ... Oh, by the way, what time is it?" "Seven o'clock."

Now, I ask you, Elkin, where would you have stood with the average British jury when the prosecution established those three things: Motive, your jealousy of Grant; time, your unaccounted-for disappearance during the hour when the crime was committed; and disguise, a clumsy suggestion of Owd Ben's ghost?

"We Steynholme folk have a pretty clear notion, I can assure you." "The matter is still sub judice, and may remain so a long time," said Siddle. "It is simply stupid to attach a kind of responsibility to the man who happens to occupy the house associated with the crime. I have no patience with that sort of reasoning." Hobbs, who did not want to quarrel with Elkin, suddenly championed him.

Bet you half a thick 'un you'd have put someone in clink before this if the murder at The Hollies had been left in your hands." "That's as may be, Mr. Elkin. But this affair seems to have gripped you for fair. You look thoroughly run down. Sleepin' badly?" "Rotten! Hardly got a wink last night." "You shouldn't be out so late. Why, on'y a week ago you were in bed regular at 10.15."

In both cases the balances withdrawn were of very large amount. Of course, as Mr. Elkin pointed out, it was all in order, and no objection could be raised. But it was unusual, for a large balance had always existed on both these accounts. And, Mr.

"I'm the only one near enough for that limit, you know." The policeman realized that he had allowed annoyance to shake his wits. He looked at Elkin rather sharply, and noticed that the horse-breeder seemed to be nervous and ill. "I didn't quite mean that I could grab my man this minute," he said, "but, if I can guess him, it amounts to nearly the same thing.

He needn't emphasize the warning by a hob-nailed boot. When my injured feelings have recovered I'll discourse to you of strange folk and stranger doings on the banks of the Rio de la Plata, and your stock as an Argentine plutocrat will rise one hundred per cent, next time you're badgered by a man who knows the country." "Meanwhile, Robinson is hot-foot on the Elkin trail," laughed Peters.

"Dining at Grant's?" shouted Elkin in a fury. "Well, I'm " "'Ush, Fred!" expostulated Tomlin with a shocked glance at Mr. Franklin. "Wot's wrong wi' a bit of grub, ony ways? A very nice-spoken young gent kem 'ere twiced, an' axed for Mr. Peters the second time. He's a friend o' Mr. Grant's, I reckon." "What's wrong?" stormed the horse-dealer. "Why, everything's wrong!

"I can't resist anything in the art line that takes my fancy," he said, after a pause of indecision. "What do you say to ten bob each?" Elkin valued the lot at that figure, but Furneaux was a fool, and should be treated as such. "Oh, come now!" he cried roguishly. "They're worth more than that." Furneaux reflected again.

You were good enough to give me your friendship, so I spoke as openly as one dares when no charge has actually been laid against any particular person." "Ay," said Elkin, with whom sunshine seemed to disagree, because he looked miserably ill. "We know what you mean, Mr. Ingerman. If the police were half sharp they'd have nabbed their man before this ... Did you put any water in this gin, Tomlin?"