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In his own case, he cared very little for the assurance that he would not be molested again that night, feeling quite sure that he could hold his own against anyone, and that his former enemy, at any rate, would not be likely to assault him again. But he was very, very glad for poor little Eden's sake, having caught a momentary glimpse of his scared and pitiable look.

Pray tell us how this sin took place This myst'ry we could never scan, That sin has sunk the human race, And all brought in by the first man. 'Tis said this is our heavy curse Thy sin imputed unto us. "Ad. When I was plac'd on Eden's soil, I liv'd by keeping God's commands To keep the garden all the while, And labor, working with my hands.

The letter contained full particulars, and concluded with an expression of the sincere pleasure the writer felt at having received this additional proof of Miss Eden's friendly feelings towards him, and with the hope that the change of air would benefit his poor old friend Merton Chance. Fan replied at once, asking him to send the van next day at noon to Mile End.

Fan, in her impatience, followed her up into Eden's sitting-room on the first floor. At the further end of the room the woman rapped at the door. "What the devil do you want now? I told you not to disturb me," was shouted in no amiable voice from inside. Fan hurried to the door and called through the keyhole, "Arthur, I must see you before you leave town." "Oh, Fan, is that you?

Eden's horse was in the stable. At the door they found Mr. Merton. "This is father, sir. Father, this is Mr. Eden, that is coming to take the duty here for a while." After the ordinary civilities Susan drew her father aside, and, exchanging a few words with him, disappeared into the house. As Mr. Eden was mounting his horse, Mr.

A small canoe, with a couple of the Eden's Kroomen, came up the river this evening with a letter from the Eden's tender, for information respecting the Spanish slave-vessel that was expected to sail. Thursday, 20. Fine day, with a fresh sea breeze, which felt quite reviving after several hot days.

He sat elevated on a hassock upon a chair to dine at luncheon-time, comporting himself most correctly; but his aunt was sorely chafed at Eden's standing behind his chair, like Sancho's physician, to regulate his diet, and placing her veto upon lobsters, cucumbers, pastry, and glasses of wine with lumps of sugar in them. It amounted to a trial of strength between aunt and nurse.

In looking over that mine of information, for everything relating to prices and labour, Sir Frederick Morton Eden's work on the poor, I find, that in a labourer's family of about an average size, the articles of house rent, fuel, soap, candles, tea, sugar, and clothing, are generally equal to the articles of bread or meal.

Ibid. , ii. 123. Report, p. 67. William Hay, for example, carried resolutions in the House of Commons in 1735, but failed to carry a bill which had this object. See Eden's History, i. 396. Cooper in 1763 proposed to make the hundred the unit. Nicholls's History, i. 58. Fielding proposes a similar change in London.

Dean Tucker speaks of the evil of the limited area in his Manifold Causes of the Increase of the Poor . Nicholls, ii. 88. Parl. Hist. xxxii. 710. A full abstract is given in Edens History, iii. ccclxiii. etc. Cobbett's Political Works, vi. 64 I need only note here that the first edition of Malthus's Essay appeared in 1798, the year after Eden's publication. Eden's History, i. 583. Ibid. i. 587.