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Ez fer these new-fangled doctorin's, they won't nary one ov 'em do the good yarbs will. I'd ruther trust bitter-goldenseal root to cure a ailment than all the durn physic in this here horspittle. I ben a-studyin' these here doctors, an' I don't take much stock in 'em; instid of workin' on a organ thet gets twisted, they ups and draws hit.

"The next job's to go in there and find him and lick him." "I don't care a durn, if it's only dry weather," answered Shorty. "I kin stand anything but rain. I'd like to soldier awhile in the Sahara Desert for a change. Hello, what's that? A fight?" A gun had boomed out loudly. The boys pricked up their ears, took their pipes from their mouths and half raised in anticipation of the bugle-call.

"You see Lime can't go away," he explained, breathlessly, to Frank, in a whisper, "'cause they'd tell it all over the country that he backed down for Steve. He daresn't leave." "Steve ain't no durn fool," returned the superior wisdom of Frank, in the same cautious whisper, keeping his eyes on the bar-room. "See Lime there, cool as a cucumber. He's from the pineries, he is."

An' atter the thing was over, I steps up to the preacher an' I says: "Brother," I says, "YOU spoke a parable, shore." "I tell ye, boys, hit hain t often a feller has the chance o' doin' so much good jes by DYIN'. Fer 'f Abe Shivers air gone, shorely gone, the rest of us every durn one of us air a-goin' to be saved.

At the end of the tenth mile he stopped the mare suddenly. "Hold on," he cried, excitedly, "there's that scraggy-tail. I missed him when I come down. See! there he is on that green log. I was feared he'd passed in his chips." I looked and saw a huge gray squirrel with a tail like a rabbit. "That's him. Durn mean on his tail, warn't it? And one paw gone, too.

Tell a worl' no, no, no!" he remonstrated vehemently, until Bud whooped with laughter. "All right all right! Keep your gold, durn it. You're like all the rest minute you get your paws on to some of the real stuff, you go hog-wild over it." Cash was pouring the fine gold back into the buck skin bag and the baking-powder cans. "Let the kid play with it," he said.

Excuse the question, but I'm so anxious over this " "Lord! What's the harm of asking facts?" said Red. Then with a gleam of genial pride, "Ten thousand wouldn't break me by a durn sight". Lettis' boyish face fairly glowed. "It was my good angel made me stop in front of your fence," he said.

"There ain't a man but me in camp knows how to behave himself in a holy moment like this here, and I ain't a-goin' to kill no man when a sacred thing like that has went and happened." "Well, durn his slippery hide!" grumbled Tuttle. "He's gittin' too smart!" The men were all grinning, including Slivers.

"It's in their faces drat 'em," insisted Uncle Jepson. He turned a vindictive eye on his niece. "If I'd have been fifty year younger I'd have give that Chavis a durn good thrashin' for sayin' what he did to you about pretty gals. Durn his hide, anyhow! That there Wil " "I felt that way myself, at first," smiled Ruth. "Afterwards, though, I felt differently.

Then Little John spoke up: "I mind about that time, Doc; but I disremember which buryin'-ground they-all planted ye in." "Planted! Me? Huh! But I had one tormentin' time findin' my hat!" The cabin shook under a heavier blast, to match Bill's yarn. "Old Wind-maker's blowin' liars out o' North Car'lina. Hang on to yer hat, Doc! Whoop! hear 'em a-comin'!" "Durn this blow, anyhow!